King's Business - 1962-07

A k in d o f mania seems to have overtaken American Protestant­ ism, and our evangelical groups have not escaped it. It is a mania for build­ in g— building new churches, more churches, bigger churches; elaborate structures, educational units, pre­ fabricated models, colonial styles, modem incongruities — brick, stone, cement blocks, cedar shingles, red­ wood, white frame, steel mazes, modi­ fied this or that. Build, build! It’s a sign of activity and growth! Move out to the suburbs, provide ample parking, modernize, plan so many square feet per Sunday school pupil. Make sure of a kitchen, a nurs­ ery, a kindergarten and rooms for juniors. The teen-agers must be served; and don’t, oh, don’t, neglect the young married couples. Plan with vision and plan to replan soon. Every­ thing must be adequate for our space- age Christians. Expand or perish! Don’t question costs. Everyone knows they’ll be high. But we can borrow, of course. Sell bonds; buy planning services. They have worked wonders for other churches, haven’t they? And we must expect to pay high. After all, it’s the thing every­ one’s doing. You go in debt for your home or your car, don’t you? Now, appoint a committee. Let’s get going. And, before you realize it, we’ll have the satisfaction of be­ longing to a church that’s really up- to-date. Well, certainly we’ll preach the gospel! Aren’t we building something new and beautiful to attract unbe­ lievers? Get them to come to church and they’ll hear the truth. They won’t come to an old church where things are crowded. It’s the new, shin­ ing, adequate facilities that will in­ spire them . . . “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. This he [Jesus] said, signify­ ing what death he should die ” (John 12:32, 33). Besides, the more new churches, the more missionary givers. Had you thought of that? Well, of course we’ll have to wait eight, ten or fifteen years while we’re paying off the in­ debtedness, though we can keep on giving some. But just think how we can give to missions after that! And our numbers will have greatly in- creased. -.MUanCe Weekly

p a s t o r a t e : Provides the student with the content of his mes­ sage, the manner of delivery of his sermons, successful meth­ ods of pastoral work, opportunities for practical experience, and an active placement service after graduation.

MISSIONS* GI vm *b*riein*°<|ueti<>n*° • ^ w w w r ho e and for ig missions and provides constant challenge, through numerous missionary chapels and faculty emphasis, to carry the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.

y y . A f H I U f t * Lays a firm foundation for " Fw • theological graduate study for students desiring education as their life work, and equips its graduates to be successful Bible teachers in the local church and upon the mission field. e EVANGELISM • Believes the successful pastor must be a soul winner, challenges him to this task, supplies him with the tools requisite to winning souls for Christ, and instructs him in their use in the local church and in evangelistic campaigns.

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JULY, 1962


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