by Arnold D . Eblert Librarian, Biola College
Even Unto Death By John Christian W egner
text from the Epistle and reveals Paul’s arguments and methods in countering “ this deadly heresy” (p. 10). The author calls the Epistle “Paul’s glorious portrait of Christ,” and “ the result is the New Testa ment’s greatest expression of Christ- ology . . (p. 16). Greek words and their uses in the First Century secular documents are cited to point out sig nificant concepts otherwise lost to the English reader. A worthy addition to the vast existing literature on Colos sians. 128 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids: $2.50 — Re viewed by Gerald L. Gooden. BOOK ENDS_______ (A Review of Current Publications) SEVEN SINS AND SEVEN VIRTUES by Karl A. Olsson. 126 pages; cloth; Harper & Bros., New York; $2.75. The author who is president of North Park College in Chicago, writes in the introduction, "I have been given courage to write on saintliness. It is a vexing subject. The pruning and spraying of the life tree of Mr. Christian is not so majestic a theme as its plant ing. But now and then it is well to remind our selves that sanctity is good and should be given attention/' HEBREWS, A DEVOTIONAL COMMENTARY by W. H. Griffith Thomas. 186 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $3.00. Reissue of a valuable exposition of this impor tant Epistle. THE KING'S BUSINESS said of the former edition: "Excellent, intensely practical and unusually clear." THE BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGIST READER edited by G. Ernest Wright and David N. Freed man. xvi, 342 pages; paper; Doubleday & Co.. New York; $1.45. Twenty articles are reprinted from The Biblical Archaeologist, one of the pri mary sources of information from archaeological diggings pertinent to Biblical studies. Two addi tional articles deal with the dating of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other artifacts. A very useful summary of important information. THE SOLE SUFFICIENCY OF JESUS CHRIST FOR CREED AND CONDUCT by Herbert W. Cragg. 110 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., West- wood, N.J.; $2.50. Studies in the Epistle to the Colossians.. Messages first given as Bible read ings at the Keswick Convention in 1960. A TOOL IN HIS HAND by Ann M. Harrison. 170 pages; paper; Friendship Press, New York; $1.50. Story of a veteran missionary doctor to the Arabians. Leaving in 1910 at the invitation of Dr. Samuel M.* Zwemer, he worked indefatig- ably in Arabia with limited equipment and sup plies, but with unusual success. His religious complexion was not that of most of the readers of this magazine, but his experiences make in teresting reading. CUBA'S MIRACLE LAD AND OTHER MISSION ARY STORIES as told to Naomi A. Dallas, by Don W. Hillis. 104 pages; cloth; Baker B ook House, Grand Rapids; $1.50. Missionary stories based on factual material furnished by Dr. Hillis, and written up by Naomi A. Dallas. A charming book for young people. Stories cover-Africa, China, Cuba, India, the Philippines, the U.S.A., and Venezuela. THEY CAME TO A PLACE: MEDITATIONS ON HUMAN SUFFERING by Robert L. Otterstad. 47 pages; Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis; $1.25. Story of one who underwent temporary blindness, which was relieved by surgery, but who in the process realized complete rest of soul. He tells about it that others may profit as well. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 5 60 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 W est Wilson Glendale ; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descrip tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.
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The content of this book is evident in the sub-title, The Heroic Witness of the Sixteenth-Century Anabaptists. The author presents in moving man ner many Anabaptist martyrdoms. For the student, the author has provided documentation ajid a good Dibliography for further study. Un fortunately, there is no index, which would have been helpful since there are references to so many persons and phases of doctrine. One might wonder about the propriety of development in which the author goes from people to doctrines and back again. However, the author has performed a worthy service in presenting a true picture of the oft-maligned Anabap tists and their beliefs. Moreover, he has provided Christians with stimu lating reading concerning some out standing martyrs, and English read ers with information not readily ac cessible in translation. The book is interesting and read able. The right amount of quotations are included to lend a sense of au thenticity and the flavor of the times. Quotations are well chosen, to the point, and sufficiently brief to avoid tediousness. In addition to a description of per sons, the author deals with three ma jor doctrinal areas: the Bible, sacra ments, and Christian life. The Ana baptist position is succinctly and clearly presented. This book is heartily recommended for all who wish information about Anabaptists or stimulation by the ex ample of dedicated Christians. 127 pages; cloth; John Knox Press, Rich mond, Virginia; $2.50. — Reviewed by James H. Christian. Christ in You: An Exposition of the Epistle to the Colossians By Herschel H. Hobbs The incumbent president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pas tor of the First Baptist Church of Oklahoma City is the author of the first book in a new series called the EVANGELICAL PULPIT LIBRARY. Dr. Hobbs implies in his exposi tion that the purpose of the Colossian letter is that of an apology of Chris tianity as opposed to Gnosticism, which ancient error he clearly de fines (p. 8). In each of the ten chap ters, the author takes a significant
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