King's Business - 1962-07

T R A I N I N G w i t h P U R P O S E ■ ' d i v e r s i f i e d a c c e l e r a t e d . . . . c c r e d i t e d



by Betty Bruechert A read er ask s : “I s the I AM cult still iii existence? I recall pub­ licity regarding them in connection with mail fraud some years ago. Who founded the system? What is meant by I AM?” (1) Recently we addressed an in­ quiry to the local I AM headquarters and received this reply: “Yes, we do have regular activities at this I AM Accredited Sanctuary.” (2) The cult originated with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard of Chicago in 1930, when Ballard claimed contact with a reincarnated being named “ St. Germain.” He wrote his experiences in a book “Unveiled Mysteries” under the pen name of Godfre Ray King. Another volume “Magic Presence” and other writings followed. Mr. Bal­ lard is now deceased. Mrs. Ballard and son Donald head the cult. (3) THE MIGHTY I AM PRES­ ENCE is defined as “ the Individual­ ized Flame of Life from the Heart of the God-Life of the Universe . . . the Imperishable, E te rn a l, Individual Identity of every human being . . . the God-Self . . . the Individual Focus of all the God-Power required to con­ quer all that is not constructive.” The Ballards claimed that their teachings came directly from “Great Ascended Masters” including not only St. Ger­ main, but also Christ, the Divine Di­ rector, the Tall Man from Venus, etc. The system is a hodge-podge of Unity, Christian Science, New Thought, Rosi- crucianism, with much reference to Men’s Higher Bodies, Invisible Planes of Nature, Reincarnation, Law of Karma, cosmic rays (you name it— they have it!) They put words into the mouth of Christ which are not only blasphemous, but also ridiculous. Dr. Louis T. Talbot, who personally investigated this cult some years ago, writes: “This is one of the most dia­ bolic, blasphemous delusions ever giv­ en out by Satan . . . They promise their followers health and wealth and a philosophy by which they can reach perfection and ascension . . . Doubt, fear and error are negatives, and must be consumed by a ‘violet flame’ that surrounds the flesh-body . , . here on earth. They deny the Bible record of creation, redemption and immortality. To them Christ is unknown as an atoning Saviour.” JULY, 1962

NURSING Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, and hospital instructions and experience. The course qualifies the graduate to take the State Board Examination and obtain the L V Classes start in September and January. DENTISTRY

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Four-month course. Approved by State of California Board of Dental Examiners, Department of Voca­ tional and Professional Standards. Offered in one semester. Practical training in missionary dentistry, Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and laboratory work. Classes start in January. DISPENSARY Fbuf-month course. Gives training in laboratory analysis and clinical practice. Instruction on how to setup a dispensary and how to deal intelligently with> common ailments. Classes start in January.

Write for Cataloq - -

BIOLA SCHOOL OF MISSIONARY MEDICINE 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.



Sent to the follow ing groups as means provided. • Prisons • Servicemen • Missionaries Your help in any amount will be appreciated . . . THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.


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