King's Business - 1962-07


S UE HAD AN ACCIDENT la s t W e e k . Yesterday she had a group of boys around her telling them all her troubles.” “ I wouldn’t talk if I were you, Althea. You like to talk to boys, too. Anyway, Sue is pretty.” “Humph! You may think so, Paul, but I don’t.” “ That’s because you are a girl. And I don’t think Frank is good-looking.” (Frank is the boy Althea currently admires from afar.) Pulling herself up to all the height of dignity her 12 years can command, Althea replied, “ I am not interested only in looks. I go for personality. Frank has a nice personality. It’s even split!” The explosion of laughter around the breakfast table could have been heard down the street. Even the small children joined in because the irre­ sistible laughter was so rollicking. “What is so funny?” a bewildered daughter asked. “ Bro— other! ‘What’s the matter?’ she asks. Althea, you said he had a split personality.” “ I know I said that. What is the matter with that? If you are so smart, Paul, why don’t you tell me what it means?” Paul’s explanation of a split per­ sonality added to the amusement — and confusion. Mother had to get the children quiet enough to finish break­ fast and get off to school. She ex­ plained the meaning of “ split per­ sonality” to Althea Jr., and the day continued in its usual routine. Intermittently throughout the hours of work Mother remembered the events of the morning. Kids are so interesting and refreshing—at times. As she reflected on her daughter’s use of the term, out of Mother’s memory there came wisdom from the Word of God. “No man can serve two mas­ ters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the oth­ er. Ye cannot serve God and mam­ mon” (Matt. 6:24).

Many of the Lord's people today are seeking a sound investment-income plan. Those who want to give a part of their savings for investment in this Christian enterprise, and at the same time receive regular dividend returns, find this plan meets their needs. When you enter into this type of an agreement with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, you become an active participant in all of its missionary activities. The investor is given maximum protection, in case of emergency, through the withdrawal clause, whioh makes possible recovery of funds originally invested. What better way can one receive an income in the Lord's work!

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANQELES, Inc. S58 South Hop« Street Lot Angeles 17, California


My name........*................................. ............................................................................ My address..................................................................................... , ............................

JULY, 1962


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