King's Business - 1962-07

C l a s s i f i e d A d s 15 CENTS PER WORD — M INIMUM $3.00 Two bedrooms, two double beds, kitchen, bath. Close to Seattle Fair. Clean. Mrs. O. Schau, 7531 - 23 N .W ., Seattle 7, Washington. W e have a number of used postal stamps from Ghana, Nigeria and Liberia for sale. The pro­ ceeds aid in educating and evangelizing deaf children in these countries. Interested persons may write to: Christian Mission for Deaf A fri­ cans, P.O. Box 1297, Accra, Ghana, West Africa. M USICAL COW BELLS, Sleighbells, Choral Concert Glasses, Chorded Clusters, Mystery Theremin. Any range, terms. Arnold Westphal, 1401 Ohio, Micnigan C ity, Indiana. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible —r Retail and Wholesale — A ll Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street. Hamburg, New York. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. A ll types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. K B, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Books "I LIV E BY FA ITH " — inspiring, challenging account of God's working through the life of M ike M artin the late founder of the King's Garden. For your copy send $2.75 to cover costs and mailing to King's Garden, Dept. K, Seattle 33, Washington. IT'S NEW !! TEACH IN G TITH IN G TO TOTS AND TEENS. Two flannelgraph lessons, 40 colored pictures, w ill' adhere, full lesson material. $2.50 postpaid. Meers Publications, Dept. A , 1009 Fifth Avenue, Fort Worth 4, Texas. W ITNESS W ITH TRACTS! 200 only $2.00. Beautiful, heart-touching, missionaiy song Free with order. Rev. B illy Swaan, Ruskin, B .C ., Can. Christian Homes Christian's Guest Home. Blind persons invited. 19802 Sherman W ay, Canoga Park, California. Home for the aged, with emphasis on Christian fellowship and service. Twenty-four hour care. 1941 E. Center, Anaheim, California. PR 6-1951. Christian non-profit organization needs staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. W rite P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Christian Institutions KING'S GARDEN — Faith — Service — Outreach for Christ. W rite for Free Brochures — You may help support this world wide missionary training ministry. Simply write King's Garden, Dept. K, Seattle 33, Washington. Largest in the West 545 M. Western Ave., Los Angeles. Calif. 11742 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, Calif. POplar 6-2479 GLENDALE READERS w ill find all of their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 W#st Wilson, Glendale, Colifornio F ree In form a tion How you can study the Bible BIOLA EVENING SCHOOL Dr. Chase A. Sawtell, Director 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California NO. 9-5883 ( ß a b y l t HO. 9-5M3 ORIENTAL RUG on CLEANERS

Mr. A. E. Diddams, Business Manager of Arizona Bible Institute, has di­ rected a special Pastor’s Conference during June at the Southwest Mis­ sionary Bible Conference Grounds, Flagstaff, Arizona. Cooperating with ABI, are the Conference Grounds and the Sudan Interior Mission. Approxi­ mately 30-40 pastors are expected to attend. Dr. Ted W. Engstrom, president of Youth for Christ International, has announced that the boyhood home of George Washington, located at Fred­ ericksburg, Virginia, will soon bé- come a rehabilitation and training center for the Lifeline program of YFC. The 101-acre tract on the Rap­ pahannock River has six buildings standing today, including an authen­ tic restoration of the first President’s surveyor’s shack and ice house. Mr. Bruce Love, director of the Lifeline Department, says that the property will be developed for camps and con- ferences, leadership schools, and a home for potentially delinquent boys. Jack Wyrtzen, left, accepts a Boston Youthtime Award from Rev. John De- Brine, director, at Boston Garden rally which was attended by 10,000 teen­ agers from 1600 New England Evan­ gelical churches of 15 denominations. In recognition of his 22nd anniversary as international director of Word of Life Fellowship, Rev. Wyrtzen was

Mr. Stan Noreen, chairman of the Rocky Mountain Sunday School Asso­ ciation, will be the host to the 17th National Sunday School' Convention to be held this fall. The Denver Hil­ ton will be headquarters for the con­ vention. For more information, write the National Sunday School Associa­ tion, 175 North Franklin, Chicago 6, Illinois. Dr. George Speake is shown here re­ ceiving a special gold key to the Se­ attle World’s Fair Sermons from Sci­ ence Building from Harold J. Nesland, building architect. Dr. Speake con­ ducts three live performances daily

in the new Sermons from Science Building, in most instances to packed houses. Word is spreading fast that Speake is the man who plays a trum­ pet tune with a flashlight and enter­ tains his audiences with countless sur­ prises in sound and light. Other hours of the day, the Sermons from Science films are presented. Mr. Gerald B. Smith, press represen­ tative for The Christian and Mission­ ary Alliance, has announced a new missionary film, “The Churches Which Are in Asia.” The 18-minute sound and color film is now ready for distribution to churches in the United States and Canada. A dramatic pic­ ture of the manner in which the na­ tional churches of Asia have de­ veloped beyond the point of being self-sustaining to the status of church­ es which are now developing their own missionary programs is pre­ sented. Mr. G. Raymond Christensen has been elected President of the American Tract Society at their annual meeting. Mr. Christensen is associated with many Christian works and is a part­ ner in the investment firm of Wells and Christensen, New York City.

cited for “ outstanding contributions to God, to America and to young peo­ ple around the world.” Looking on is George Beverly Shea, soloist of the Billy Graham crusades. Several hundred young people came forward at the close of the service.



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