This new column of THE KING’S BUSINESS is devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. APPEALS FOR FUNDS For the person who wrote concerning all of the appeals for funds, I do not feel that this is wrong. I do not be lieve that most Gospel radio programs have their "hand out." I see no objection in asking the listeners of a program to help with its sup port, if the Bible is being taught and Christ is glori fied. Daryl Palmer, Inglewood, Calif. MISSIONARY CONDITIONS TODAY Some time ago I heard a rather disquieting report concerning the missionary program of the church today. The person who spoke was do ing so in the confines of a small group and prefaced his statements by saying, "Now, I wouldn't want to tell this from the platform for any thing; however, the situa tion does exist." After this he proceeded to state how m is si o n a r i e s today are largely not even scraping the surface of what they should be doing, since they are not living near the level of the people. He told of visiting one area where all the mis sionaries had the best furni ture (even hi-fi), servants, plenty of leisure time, etc. It has bothered me greatly. I don't believe that this could be true with our evangelical Protestant missionaries who know too well that the time for our Lord's return must be so near.
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