NRG: Is It Back Pain Or Sciatica?


Practice ANNOUNCEMENTS UPCOMING HEALTH FAIR NRG STAFF SPOTLIGHTS Kelsi McGonigal, PT & Barbara Przecherka, Office Administrator INSIDE: TheChallengeOfTreating BackPain • September 15th • Stay tuned for more info!

Low back degenerative disc disease develops when the discs between your spine weaken (often due to repetitive strain), are injured or shrink from aging. As a result, the discs are unable to hold normal spacing and therefore, collapse increasing instability, causing back pain. Physiotherapist intervention includes strengthening of core muscle groups, including the abdominal wall, which has positive effects on people with this condition. Exercise and hands on therapy have been shown to alleviate pain in many people. Inaddition,educationonhow toprotectyourspineand remainactive isbeneficial.Ourphysiotherapists are trained to identify your problem and plan out the most effective treatment for you. Along with building your core muscle groups, hands-on physiotherapy to move your spine has shown to be very effective. Our physiotherapists develop a safe and effective treatment program that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. Surgery should always be the last option, but too often people think of surgery as a cure all and are eager to embark on it without knowing the long term risks. Receiving care from our knowledgeable and licensed physiotherapists first, can improve your odds that you can quickly reduce your pain and maintain your quality of life. Call us today for more information! IS IT BACK PAIN OR SCIATICA? “Paddle Your Way Into A New Outlook On Pain!”

RelieveBackPainInMinutes ANaturalSolutionToAches &Pains PatientSuccessSpotlight

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