Measure Magazine, Vol. IV

Women who wake up in the morning and simply don’t feel like putting on a bra are common, but underrepresented, because those types of visuals aren’t as provocative. The images Free the Nipple cultivates are exposed nipples for the purpose of making a statement. It’s not to say that women who support Free the Nipple don’t go braless for reasons of comfort or style, but the trend is being reflected and perpetuated by the fashion industry for a reason. Freeing the nipple is just not as easy as it sounds, and where Free the Nipple succeeded and still succeeds in re-opening the discussion about nipple exposure, it lacks in helping to truly normalize it. Clearly, the swimmer did not intend to have her nipples covered the whole practice. It’s absurd to think that her coaches, teammates, or the boys that she swims next to every day would even notice those parts of the body. An athlete at practice is not an object, she is a force. Then what was she the night before? When it comes to th nipple, context is everything. For now, the nipple is in fashion, but that’s not the same as the nipple being free.

Googling “How-To Cover Nipples” Proves There’s A Slew Of Websites Offering Advice On How To Hide Nipples Quickly

And Creatively; Listicles Galore.

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