
October /NovemberVoting Guide - 2016 P.O. Box 458, Pleasant View, TN 37146 VOTER GUIDE PLEASANT VIEW



VOTING RECORD Page 1 FROM THE HEART Page 1 BALANCE Page 2 CAMPAIGN PROMISES Page 2 MEETING ATTENDANCE Page 2 BALLOT Page 3 TESTIMONIALS Page 3 ABOUT PERRY KEENAN Page 4 “ He has some very valid common sense values we all should put into practice in our homes. He will be getting my vote! I do not say th t about many because I haven’t found many I would support.” – Tammy Burton WHO IS? ? VOTER GUIDE 1 OVERTON, FENTRESS, JACKSON & MORGAN (DISTRICT 41) P.O. Box 215 Rickman, TN 38580

Your “ HANDS ON ” Mayor! The last 4 years I’ve been honored and humbled to serve as your mayor of the BEST SMALL TOWN IN AMERICA! October Voting Guide - 2016

Being your mayor is more than just signing paperwork or creating legislation. It’s more than keeping the city under budget every year. It’s more than working with state legislators, congressmen, and senators. It’s about truly being involved within our community. In the last 4 years I have enjoyed being a part of walk-to-school programs, PTO dinners, Cookies and Bedtime Stories, Veterans Day programs, and fundraisers. Being Mayor means working to create community events such as Cruise’n & Groove’n , and C limb a Truck. It’s vacuuming out flood water at midnight at the Livery Stables while my children slept in the car. It’s riding in a salt truck at 5am to give you road updates on a snowy morning. Being Mayor means finding a way to spend less than $100 to build a ONE mile nature trail. It’s asking a local Church to help me with volunteers and pick up 83 bags of trash on a Sunday morning. It’s coordinating with the

sheriff to set up the inmate work crew and then rallying residents, boy scouts, and neighbors to help clean debris out of Spring Creek. It’s being humble enough to stand reverently in the rain while two Pleasant View families are presented with flags for the loss of their loved ones. As Mayor, you also have to be willing to take a pie in the face and do the Whip’n Nae Nae for Autism. You have to be willing to read Charlotte’s Web to an elementary school class or have lunch with fourth grade achievers. You have to be willing to speak to a gymnasium full of high school students about leadership and how every decision they make matters! We’ve had some pretty serious things to deal with while I have been your Mayor, but I have been prayerful in each of those decisions. A lot has been accomplished over the last four years. As your mayor I am ready, willing and able to do more! I ask for your vote. Some say, “Well done is better than well said.” I couldn’t agree more.. .

“Ed is our family rock and a man of God! He is the best husband and father I could ever ask for. When my husband decided to run for office, it never dawned on me how much work and effort (I mean blood sweat and tears) it actually takes to run a proper campaign. The recent months have proven to me that it takes strong family roots full of love, faith, determination, and commitment. Ed has been home late nearly every evening from attending campaign related meetings and events.We campaign as a family as much as possible, working together at fairs, festivals, and even door knocking. I am so proud to see his work ethics shine in our children. When the voters of District 41 elect my husband into office, he will take those same values to Nashville to “When Diane Black was elected to the U.S. Congress, I was elected to finish her State Senate term. I was to run for re-election in 2012, but have had to wait until 2014 because of the 2012 redistricting. It was an honor to serve Tennesseans in the State Senate and I am eager to return and finish what I started.” - Kerry Roberts “Kerry Roberts has always been there for us. He knows first-hand the challenges our families, small businesses and farmers face. He is one of us! Kerry is a true Statesman, not a Politician. WHO IS? ? WHO IS? ? P.O. Box 200 • Springfield, Tennessee 37172 VOTER GUIDE CHEATHAM, DICKSON, HICKMAN, HUMPHREYS AND ROBERTSON COUNTIES (DISTRICT 25) July / August Voting Guide - 2014 -Jan Gammon, mother, farmer, former Robertson County Commissioner and former Robertson County Republican Party Chairman


Work Shop: Hire an engineer to address flooding on Main St. and also Hwy 49



“As a self employed small business man , I know the importance of creating and maintaining jobs and the value of hard work. Our children deserve to be educated with the conservative values we hold dear in this community. I believe small government is best and local governments should govern themselves to best serve the citizens, not the other way around - Ed Butler

Dec 22 2014 Work Shop: Continued discussion to hire an engineer to address flooding on Main St. and also Hwy 49



NRA AQ RATING Endorsed by: Retired Lt Gen Jerry Boykin



May 12, 2015 Council Meeting: Motion to Hire an engineering firm for the Town.

Jan 25, 2016 Work Shop: Discussion to apply for $250,000 Parks Grant





work tirelessly for all of us. My husband is the new vision for District 41! We need change, and it all starts with you, the voter. Please restore your faith in our great nation by starting locally with your vote for our next Tennessee State Representative, Ed Butler, my husband. Whether wearing a suit or covered in sweat and dirt, he is a man that can relate to all people. -Stephanie Butler

Feb 9 , 2016 Council Meeting: Motion to apply for $250,000 Parks Grant



“I met Kerry while he was teaching at Lipscomb University and working as a Certified Public Accountant. We have been married for 27 years and tried for four long years before we were blessed with our first child, Evan, and then equally blessed again with two more children, Nora and Davis. During our marriage, I’ve seen Kerry interviewed on national television, giving business seminars, teaching Bible classes, and making passionate speeches on the Senate floor. I have also seen a loving father and husband working hard on our farm to provide for our family. Whether wearing a suit or covered with sweat and grease, he is a man who can relate to all people.” - Dianne Roberts list-view/entry/82/

The Family

As a Conservative Christian, Veteran, Small Business Owner, and Family Man, Ed is the New Vision with the Strong Work Ethic & Qualifications we can trust to get the job done, and report to work daily.

See more of what your friends have shared...

As a Conservative State Senator, CPA, small business owner, farmer and family man, Kerry is the only Republican with the qualifications we can trust to get the job done.

See more of what your friends have shared....

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” - Ronald Reagan

JOhnny LindAhL , AShLAND CITY “Alice and I were quite impressed when we first met Kerry Roberts last year. After a great deal of investigation and research, we are proud to strongly endorse Kerry Roberts to become our next State Senator. Kerry Roberts is definitely NOT another politician with a lot of lip service. Kerry Roberts is committed to fight to preserve our conservative values.” dEniSE MAThiS , AShLAND CITY “Our family has had the opportunity to meet and interview Kerry Rob- erts on different occasions in different settings. We can say that without a doubt, we know he is a good moral man with experience and integrity who wants to help the people in our county.” dEBBiE kEEnAn , PLEASANT vIEW “I met Kerry Roberts three years ago and was impressed by his demeanor and statesmanship. It did not take long to discover that this man is just like all of us! Kerry is a breath of fresh air, not like typical career politicians! He is a true Conservative!” crAig kiTch , KINgsTON spRINgs “ First of all, I never cast a vote for anyone without doing my homework! I met Kerry Roberts about a year ago and have watched and carefully listened to see if he should be our choice for Senator. Kerry has proven time and time again that he has the knowledge, experience and maturity to fight for our Conservative rights in the state Senate. We need Kerry Roberts! I hear so many people saying the same thing about him, and it is so true, ‘He is just like one of us!’ I encourage all to vote for this man.” “As I traveled Cheatham County meeting and greeting public officials, small business owners, individuals and many other groups, I have discovered that Cheatham County is a middle Tennessee “Jewel.” As your State Senator, you can count on me to represent Cheatham County’s interests in Nashville. - Kerry Roberts

“When Diane Black was elected to the U.S. Congress, I was elected to finish her State Senate term. I was to run for re-election in 2012, but have had to wait until 2014 because of the 2012 redistricting. It was an honor to serve Tennesseans in the State Senate and I am eager to return and finish what I started.”

C heatham C ounty

100% PrO LiFE Kerry will fight for the rights of the unborn with the belief that life begins at conception.

nO TO cOMMOn cOrE! With children in public schools, Kerry supports teachers and will fight for local control and against federal mandates. EnFOrcE ThE BOrdEr! Kerry will fight against Obama’s settlement of illegal aliens in Tennessee. nO TO OBAMAcArE! Kerry will fight for free market solutions to healthcare. PrOTEcT ThE 2 nd AMEndMEnT! Kerry will fight against any infringement of our right to keep and bear arms. I respectfully ask for your vote on August 7th in the Republican State Senate Primary.

is one of

the most

B eautiful

issues that are important to him.


SAMPLE BALLOT REPUBLICAN PRIMARY TN SENATE DISTRICT 25 Vote for One (1) p Joshua G. Evans p Kerry Roberts p Jim Summerville p Wayne White p Write In ____________

As a small business owner himself, Kerry Roberts understands our needs and concerns. He listens! Pictured from left to right at The Lunch Box in Ashland City: Eddie Steele, Mayor David McCullough, Tim Felts, owner of The Lunch Box, and Kerry Roberts.

in m iddle t ennessee

The Steele Saddle Tree Company, located in Ashland City, is the oldest and largest western saddle tree maker that has been in the Steele family for over 150 years! Last October, Kerry Roberts spent a day working with Eddie Steele and his team. What an opportunity it was to be part of this rich family tradition!

ConSERvativE with an emphasis on statesmanship, diplomacy, and just being nice, Kerry Roberts believes politics have become far too vicious where too many politicians are concerned about the next election and not enough statesmen concerned about the next generation.


Eddie Steele and Kerry Roberts finishing up the job.

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