IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

Table 5.6.1 – GWO Instructor Qualification Module Course Codes

5.7 Participant Prerequisites

Participants on GWO instructor qualification trainings must meet the participant prerequisites described in the GWO Requirements for Training.

Furthermore, participants must meet the criteria described in table 5.7.1 in relation to each module, as follows:


Participants Prerequisites

Instructor Qualification Training

1) Relevant vocational training

Instructor Qualification Crossover Training

1) Minimum 1000 hours of teaching GWO modules, or similar

Instructor Qualification Trainer Training

1) Hold a valid GWO IQT training record, or similar

2) Minimum 2000 hours experience of teaching GWO modules

3) Prove knowledge about adult learning principles and experience in applying these in trainings 4) Prove knowledge (IQT level) about GWO Taxonomy principles and experience in applying these in planning and executing trainings

The IQT Trainer applicant is approved through:

1) A written application that among others addresses the prerequisites listed above, 2) Observation of training delivery with following feedback (in- person or video observation)

3) and a following interview with GWO IQT assessors

Table 5.7.1 – Participants prerequisites

5.8 Trainer and Teacher Qualification Prerequisites

A competent GWO IQT Trainer or IQTT Teacher must adhere to the GWO Requirements for Training.

Furthermore, trainers and teachers must meet the criteria listed below in table 5.8.1.


Instructor Prerequisites

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