IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04


7.1 Aims and Learning Objectives for the Instructor Qualification Training (IQT) The aim of the Instructor Qualification Training is to enable the participant to instruct and train in accordance with adult learning principles for an adult target audience. The IQT serves as a prerequisite for entering other specific GWO Instructor Qualification schemes.

After having successfully completed this Instructor Qualification Training Module, the participants will have the ability to:

1) Take responsibility of planning and conducting instructor led training ensuring participants’ safety throughout (Ability, intermediate level)

2) Choose appropriate learning activities and assessment tools based on the characteristics of an adult target audience and adult learning principles in their didactical considerations and facilitation of learning activities (Knowledge, advanced level)

3) Apply appropriate teaching methods, learning activity structures and assessment tools based on the characteristics of an adult target audience and adult learning principles (Skills, intermediate level)

4) Assess training participants' learning progression and performance against specific training aims and learning objectives (Knowledge, advanced level)

5) Take initiative and take responsibility to conduct instructor self-evaluation activities (Ability, intermediate level)

7.2 Core of the IQT: Teach Back Sessions Participants teach back sessions form the core of the IQT. Taught learning theory is build up to then be applied in teach back session that follow, while successive learning theory is added in both through topics and progression.

The structure and timing of the teach backs should be followed as outlined in Annex 3, IQT Teach Back to ensure that sufficient time is allocated for this practical training.

In the teach back sessions, the participants demonstrate how they meet learning objectives from the former theory lessons. Therefore, a decisive part of the participants assessment is based on their performance in the teach back sessions.

Furthermore, the feedback after teach back sessions focuses on improvement and development.

7.3 Participants Assessment

IQT participants are assessed against the overall learning objectives described above (Section 7.1 Aims and objectives of the Instructor Qualification Module) and the assessment criteria listed below:

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