IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

a. planning learning activities that are taxonomically aligned with learning objectives

b. focus on participants’ motivation and driving force to learn

c. involvement of participants and conducting participant centred learning activities

d. support participants’ reflections to facilitate learning through the construction of experiences


appear as a role model and display safe behaviour

f. showing engagement and commitment throughout the module

g. adapt the training to the participants’ needs and experience

7.4 Duration of the Instructor Qualification Training Module The total contact time for completing the Instructor Qualification Training Module is estimated to be 72 hours. This is based on the times used for delivering pilot trainings. Additionally, time for preparation of teach back sessions must be expected.

The training provider must ensure that sufficient time is allowed for participants with prior experience to share their experiences in a way that is constructive for the entire class.

The training provider must not exceed the time per day given in the table 7.4.1 below.

Maximum Duration Per Day

Contact time

8 hours

Total training day

10 hours

Table 7.4.1 – Maximum Duration Per Day

Contact time includes delivery of course lesson content, practical exercises and activities directly related to these.


The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable).

If an IQT course is split into batches and delivered in sub modules, these must be concluded within a three-month period. Sub modules must not be of less than three days duration each to ensure the learning flow in the safe and constructive learning environment. Furthermore, the participants must be assigned to apply their newly learned knowledge and skills to their teaching practice in the intervening periods and share their reflections on this at each next upcoming sub module.


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