IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

Discuss and solve case scenarios about motivation for adult learners.


The aim for this lesson is to enable the participants to apply culture awareness in their planning considerations and choice of pedagogical design in learning activities

After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:

15) Show interest in different cultures amongst the learners (Ability, basic level)

16) Recognise challenges that may arise in cross cultural communication in the context of learning (Knowledge, basic)

The instructor shall:

Introduce the types of cultures that can be present in a training group (nationality, language, workplace, gender, age, background, etc.)

Introduce and facilitate a discussion about cultures and cultural differences and how it may impact learning and the classroom culture and environment

Facilitate a discussion on identity and experience in adult learning

Facilitate a discussion about why this is an important aspect of training and how an instructor may respond and act on culture and cultural differences

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions and reflect on what cultures have shaped them as both learners and trainers

Share and consider implications for their own learning group


The aim of this lesson is to enable the IQT participants to be aware of their own body language, and to observe and understand their course participants bodily reactions and signals

After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:

17) Recognise various body language signals (Knowledge, basic level)

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