IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

Discuss as a whole group the challenges and strengths of working with multiple learning styles.


The aim of this lesson is to ensure that the participants reflect on the daily activities and capture their learning experiences in a structured manner. The Reflection Lesson must be conducted at the end of each training day.

The instructor shall:

Introduce the methodology log, learning log and other relevant reflection tools to capture learning experiences.

The participants shall:

Have time to ask questions, share experiences and challenges, fill out their methodology log and learning log, and note their reflections.

Make a plan for any preparation or practice that needs to happen before the next day.


The aim of this lesson is partly to re-visit the learning experiences from the day before in order to enhance learning, partly to ensure that all participants are ready to engage in the learning activities of the day.

A catch-up must be done at the beginning of every training day. Multiple structures may be applied.

The instructor shall:

Have the participants to share their reflections on the activities during the previous day.

Share own reflections and adjustments from the previous day.

Address questions

The participants shall:

Have time to ask questions and share reflections.


25 min. per participant

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