Training systems
Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04
The aim of this lesson is to familiarise participants with the GWO taxonomy and the principle of aligning learning activities and assessments with relevant learning objectives
After successfully completing this lesson, the participants can:
33) Describe the structure and the purpose of the GWO Taxonomy Framework (Knowledge, basic level)
34) Explain how the GWO Taxonomy Framework can support the instructor in planning learning activities (Knowledge, intermediate level)
35) Apply their understanding of the alignment between learning objectives, learning activities and assessment of learners when planning learning activities (Skills, intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Present the content and aim of the GWO Taxonomy Framework
Explain the relation between a training standard, lesson planning, and assessment
Lead a discussion about why alignment between learning objectives, activities and assessment is an important process in instructor practice
Guide participants in reading, analysing, and presenting on the GWO Taxonomy Framework
Guide participants in how to move through the taxonomy and build on skills and knowledge at each level
The participants shall:
Consider why the taxonomy is important to reaching learning objectives
Discuss how to align and use the taxonomy to determine if your lessons will support participants in reaching the learning objectives
Work in small groups to examine one aspect of the GWO Taxonomy Framework to present and share with the whole group on:
what part of the taxonomy did you examine?
how is it used?
why is it important?
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