IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04


The aim of this lesson is to enable participants, as instructors, to support the necessary reflection process amongst learners by asking questions that correspond to the relevant learning domains (and levels) and to assess learners’ progression and understanding.

After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:

41) Distinguish between different categories of questions in relation to their didactical aims and taxonomic levels (Skills, intermediate level)

42) Choose question types appropriate to the learning situation and in accordance with the relevant taxonomic learning level and domain (Knowledge, advanced level)

The instructor shall:

Present different question types and how they relate to assessment and learners’ reflection on the taxonomic levels

Lead a discussion about how questions support learners’ reflections, and their relation to the GWO Taxonomy different levels and domains

Guide participants on how to observe and investigate using different types of questions

Facilitate and exercise where the participants practise the use of different question types and forms

The participants shall:

Practise in pairs how to ask questions at different levels to investigate status or facilitate learning on different complexity levels

Discuss in small groups how asking questions at different levels impacts and shapes dialogues and supports learning through reflection


After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:

43) Explore the learners’ experience level within their vocational field and life experience (Knowledge, advanced level)

44) Distinguish between different profiles of experiences and adapt the teaching accordingly (Skills, intermediate level)

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