IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

The instructor shall:

Design and facilitate exercises, where the participants are encouraged to share and apply their work experiences in discussions

Present participants with a scenario in which the lessons and activities are already planned and then provide them with a group of learner profiles in which they need to accommodate different experience levels

Facilitate discussion around how to be adaptable in safety training and what are the limitations

The participants shall:

Discuss and share their experiences as instructors and participants

Work in small groups to analyse scenarios and share solutions

Work in small groups to consider the learners in each group and how to appropriately adjust the teaching

Discuss the limits around adjusting lessons and learning styles within the context of safety. When is it safe to adapt a lesson and when is it not?

The participants sharing and applying their experiences should be part of most assignments throughout the module



The aim of this lesson is to support the participants in designing learning activities and choosing teaching methods that follow adult learning principles and relate to the GWO Taxonomy Framework

After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:

45) Explain benefits and challenges in relation to different training strategies, including designing learning activities and choosing teaching methods (Knowledge, intermediate level)

46) Recognise the connection between instructor roles and methodologies chosen (Knowledge, basic level)

47) Apply their insight and understanding of the GWO taxonomy, multiple teaching methods, and the responsibilities of the instructor, when defining their training strategy (Skills, intermediate level)

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