Training systems
Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04
49) Explain the benefits and challenges of digital learning methods and strategies (Knowledge, intermediate level)
50) Distinguish between relevant and less relevant digital learning tools for different learning situation (Skills, intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Present a variety of digital learning methods and strategies
Reflect on the best application in a variety of scenarios including the instructor role
provide an overview of different digital learning tools and their usability
The participants shall:
Test different relevant and less relevant digital tools in different learning situations
Develop a digital learning strategy appropriate for the delivery of a chosen topic. Include strengths, limitations and when the chosen method may be best used, and share findings to the group
Provide feedback to other groups and discuss the digital strategies that may best suit the GWO training module
The instructors must expect to familiarise further with relevant digital tools for their own training deliveries
After successfully completing this lesson, the participants can:
51) Explain the power of active listening in both a learning and feedback situation (Knowledge, intermediate level)
52) Apply principles for active listening in a dialogue between an instructor and a participant (Skills, intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Present principles for active listening and relate this to lesson 22, “Questions”
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