IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

Share with the whole group findings on the strengths and weaknesses of this form of assessment and how it best aligns with safety training

Reflect and discuss the forms of assessment used in this training as well as their own experiences as an instructor and learner

Discuss how formative assessment relates to learning styles and personal profiles

Work in small groups to create a formative assessment and share with the larger group how they would use this to determine learning and adjust their teaching.


35 min. per participant

See Annex 3, Teach Back



The aim of this lesson is to inspire the participants to identify and apply suggestions and focal areas for their future development as instructors.

After successfully having completed this lesson:

56) The participants can take responsibility for their individual development as instructors by seeking feedback and find solutions for improvements (Ability, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the need to evaluate oneself as an instructor to support continued personal development

Facilitate a short exercise addressing benefits and challenges in relation to self-evaluation

Support the participants in adding learnings and ideas into the learners’ logs

The participants shall:

Participate actively in the discussion and share their experiences about self-evaluation in different situations

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