Training systems
Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04
8.1 Aims and Objectives for the IQTX Module The aim of this module is to update experienced GWO instructors on: their knowledge of the GWO Taxonomy Framework and adult learning principles (aligned with the IQT Standard); and to support their ability to apply these in their training delivery. Furthermore, the IQT Crossover Training Module is a prerequisite to certify as a GWO instructor through the alternative instructor Qualification process.
After having successfully completed this IQTX Module, the participants will have the ability to apply adult learning principles in their GWO training delivery.
8.2 Duration of the IQTX Module The total contact time for completing the IQTX Module is estimated to be 22 hours. There is no timetable for the IQTX, because the duration of each lesson depends on the participants’ experiences and needs.
The training provider must not exceed the time per day given in the table 8.2.1 below.
Maximum Duration Per Day
Contact time
8 hours
Total training day
10 hours
Table 8.2.1 – Training time
Contact time includes delivery of course lesson content, practical exercises and activities directly related to these.
The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable).
8.3 Participant Prerequisites
Participants on the IQTX must be current GWO instructors (ref. GWO Requirements for Training)
Furthermore, before joining the IQTX training, the participants must have familiarised themselves with the GWO Taxonomy Framework and further relevant learning theory as outlined in the joining instructions.
8.4 IQTX Module Participant Ratio
The ratio shown indicates the maximum number of participants per instructor attending the course.
Instructor to Participant Ratio
Global Wind Organisation ©/
48 / 102
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