IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

Analyse the rankings and adjust the course design accordingly

The participants shall:

Reflect on the IQTX syllabus and their individual development needs, and conduct the prioritisation activity


The aim for this lesson is to enable the participants to support future target audience in developing motivation and driving force to learn

After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:

13) The participants show interest in how motivation impacts the commitment and engagement to learn (Ability, basic level)

14) The participants can describe principles of barriers against learning and how to address it (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Introduce the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, refer to the initial learning experience assignment and ask questions for examples of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Other supporting theory may be involved, such as Maslow and Hertzberg

Lead a discussion about how the participants’ former experiences and expectations for their future work as GWO instructors motivates them to engage in the training

Lead a discussion about participant centred learning as a motivation amplifier

Facilitate a group assignment about why motivation is an important aspect of training referencing Lesson 2, Introduction to the Training as an example

Provide feedback to the small groups on their engagement and conclusions

The participants shall:

Discuss in small groups the challenges and benefits to utilising participant motivation.

In small groups discuss how the experience of a group can support or hinder the learning group and present their conclusions in plenum on a poster

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