Training systems
Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04
Discuss and solve case scenarios around motivation for adult learners.
Receive feedback and reflect on the applicability
The aim of this lesson is to create the awareness and importance of applying participant centred and involving learning activities in GWO trainings in relation to the complexity of learning objectives
After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:
Learning objectives:
15) Discuss how the individual learning processes are affected by multiple factors (Knowledge, intermediate level)
16) Take responsibility of responding to challenges and benefits from general learning approaches. For example; positivism and hermeneutics, and of adult learning processes (for example, behaviourism and constructivism) when planning and conducting learning activities (Ability, intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Present the basic theory and concepts of learning approaches and adult learning conditions and address the human factors that are part of every GWO training introduction
Facilitate group assignments addressing challenges and benefits from general learning approaches. For example; positivism and hermeneutics, and of adult learning processes (for example, behaviourism and constructivism) when planning and conducting learning activities
Provide feedback on the group presentations and address the individual contributions on the initial learning assignment
The participants shall in small groups:
Discuss what they can control to foster learning
Discuss challenges and benefits from general learning approaches, for example; positivism and hermeneutics, and of adult learning processes, such as behaviourism and constructivism
Discuss the impact of the conclusions of the above-mentioned discussions in relation to planning learning activities, including how human factors can impact their trainings
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