IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04


This annex describes the equipment required for delivering each of the modules contained within this training standard. Any equipment used by the training provider and participants during the delivery of training under this standard must satisfy or exceed the requirements of the equipment standards for the time being in force in the country where the training is taking place.

All equipment shall be maintained and where appropriate, inspected and tested in accordance with current national standards/ legislation and manufacturers’ recommendations.


Module 1 – Instructor Qualification Training The classroom must provide space for group tables, horseshoe seating design and any other didactical considered seating to accommodate the full number of participants as well as interactions for knowledge sharing. Furthermore, the classroom must offer sufficient free floor space to conduct physical learning activities, such as standing discussions and interviews and cooperative learning structures.

Additional room/s (for group work) depending on the number of groups and participants. Further locations must be available to enable the participants to practise remote teaching.

Technical installations The following installations (or similar) must be at hand:


Large monitor or screen/projector for digital presentations


Whiteboard or other similar drawing board for presentations and creativity


Flip-over charts or similar for participants presentations


Reliable and sufficient internet connection/WIFI

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