Training systems
Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04
Teach back 5 81. Take responsibility for multiple delivery methods (Ability, intermediate level)
82. Take responsibility to manage participants in the classroom, training facilities and digital environment (Ability, intermediate level)
83. Take responsibility of leading learning activities effectively and safely (Ability, intermediate level)
84. Take responsibility to ensure, that as many participants as possible are active at the same time (Ability, intermediate level)
85. Take responsibility of communicating with learners purposefully after reflecting (Ability, intermediate level)
86. Take responsibility of providing formative and summative feedback to learners (Ability, intermediate level)
87. Evaluate the learner’s performance during the learning activity (Skills, advanced level)
88. Assess the participants performance against a learning objective in a teach back session (Knowledge, advanced level)
3. Teach Back Criteria, Assessment, and Feedback Template
The primary assessment of the IQT participants is based on the delivery of teach back sessions. It is therefore mandatory, that assessments and following feedback are based on clear and accepted criteria in an appropriate structured assessment form. Furthermore, the final evaluation of the participants will be based on and documented by the individual assessment forms. If participants are working in pairs to deliver teach backs, they must have individual feedback forms.
Just as the learning objectives in the IQT Module are presented in a complexity progression through the module, the five teach back sessions must follow the same pace of progression. Hence the associated teach back assessment criteria must also be aligned with this progression
Below are two examples of such an assessment form templates. In the left column, overall criteria-topics are listed, and in the right column learning objectives or similar unfolds the overall topics. An alternative right column could be the IQT Trainer’s assessment and remarks to the participant’s performance
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