IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

What is in your opinion the greatest challenges for GWO instructors in general?

What in relation to IQT do you believe are the major benefits for GWO?

Knowledge and understanding of GWO Taxonomy Framework

Experience in design and development of training materials

Video Observation: The aim of the video observation is to ascertain that the IQTT applicant has sufficient knowledge, experience and ability to deliver training to the appropriate standard. This observation assists in determining the applicant’s potential success as an IQT Trainer, representing the ideals of GWO and the ethos behind the standards




GWO Module:



Skills Demonstrated:

How does this excerpt/ observation fit into an overall programme?

Overall programme being delivered:

Professional training delivery, presence, impact, credibility & authority

Adult Learning Skills & Facilitation:

Life experiences used to facilitate & enhance learning

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