Dulwich College - Standard Terms & Conditions
Confidentiality: The Parents authorise the Master to override their own and (so far as they are entitled to do so) the Pupil’s rights of confidentiality, and to impart confidential information on a ‘need-to-know’ basis where necessary to safeguard or promote the Pupil’s welfare or to avert a perceived risk of harm to the Pupil or any other person. Pupils’ Rights: A pupil of sufficient maturity and understanding has certain legal rights which the College must respect. These include the right to give or withhold consent in a variety of circumstances and certain rights of confidentiality and, usually, the right to have contact with both natural or adoptive parents. If a conflict of interests arises between a Parent and the Pupil, the legal rights of, and duties owed by the College to, the Pupil will in most cases take precedence over the rights of, and duties owed to, the Parent. Provision of Information to parents: Ordinarily the College provides (and only provides) information about a pupil to the persons who signed the acceptance form in respect of the relevant pupil. However, the College is not obliged to provide information about a pupil to such a person where: (i) a court order has been made to the contrary; (ii) in the College’s reasonable opinion withholding information from that person is in the relevant pupil’s best interests; or (iii) the College does not believe the person in question has legal or parental responsibility for the relevant pupil. At the same time, the College reserves the right to give information about a pupil to another person where: (a) the College believes that that person has legal or parental responsibility for that pupil; and (b) the College believes that providing the information to that person is in the pupil’s best interests. Disclosure of information by Parents: The Parents must, as soon as possible, disclose to the College details of: (i) any medical condition, health problem or allergy affecting the Pupil; (ii) any behavioural, emotional or social difficulty that the Pupil may have; (iii) any disability, learning difficulty or special educational need that the Pupil may have; (iv) any circumstances which might affect the Pupil’s welfare, safety or happiness; (v) any court order affecting the Pupil’s care or welfare; and (vi) any changes regarding matters falling within (i) to (v) that were previously disclosed to the College. Physical Contact and Contact Sports: The Parents give their consent to such physical contact as may accord with good practice and be appropriate and proper for teaching and instruction, for providing comfort to a pupil in distress, to maintain safety and good order, or in connection with the Pupil’s health and welfare. Unless the Parents notify the College to the contrary, the Parents consent to the Pupil participating, under proper supervision, in contact and non-contact sports and other activities forming part of the College curriculum and they acknowledge that (while the College will provide appropriate supervision) the risk of injury cannot be eliminated. For the avoidance of doubt, corporal punishment is illegal. Leaving and off College Premises: The College will use reasonable endeavours to prevent the Pupil leaving premises in breach of College Rules. The Parents acknowledge, however, that the College is not legally entitled to prevent a pupil aged 16 or older leaving College premises. The College is not responsible for the
welfare of the Pupil whilst off College premises unless the Pupil is taking part in a College activity or otherwise under the direct supervision of a member of College staff. Complaints: Any question, concern or complaint about the pastoral care or safety of the Pupil should be notified immediately to their Form Tutor or Head of School. A copy of the College’s current Complaints Procedure will be supplied on request and is available on the College’s website. Special Precautions: The Parents may be excluded from College premises if the Master or any Deputy Master considers such exclusion to be in the best interests of the Pupil or the College. Residence during Term-time: Except when boarding, pupils are required during term-time (including weekends) to reside with a parent or legal guardian or with an education guardian acceptable to the College. If space is available, short-term boarding may be provided during term time and charged as an extra for a day pupil whose home accommodation arrangements have broken down. The Pupil’s Head of School must be notified in writing immediately if the Pupil will be residing during term time under the care of someone other than a parent. Term-time Absences: The Parents acknowledge that the Pupil must attend College throughout term-time and that (save in exceptional circumstances and with the prior agreement of the Master or the Pupil’s Head of School) the Parents may not take the Pupil out of school during term-time to go on holiday or for any other reason. The Parents acknowledge that a pupil’s absence from College disrupts both their own education and the education of their fellow pupils. In the case of non-boarding pupils, when both Parents will be absent from the Pupil’s home overnight or for a twenty-four hour period or longer, the College must be informed in writing of the name, address and telephone number of the adult who will have care of the Pupil in the Parents’ absence. It is expected that the Pupil will reside with this adult during the Parents’ absence. Education Guardians: A pupil of any age whose parents are resident outside the United Kingdom must have an education guardian in the United Kingdom who has legal authority to act on behalf of the parents in all respects and to whom the College can apply for authorities when necessary. The College can accept no responsibility during exeats (permitted periods of time away from school), half term or the holidays for pupils whose parents are resident abroad. The parents and guardians of such pupils must make holiday arrangements, including travel to and from the College, well in advance. The responsibility for choosing an appropriate education guardian rests solely with the Parents. The Parents are responsible in each case for satisfying themselves as to the suitability of an education guardian. Personal Data: The College will need to use and share information relating to the Pupil and the Parents (including names, contact details, school records, photographs and video recordings) whilst the Pupil is at the College and after the Pupil has left, for various purposes connected with the running of the College including: Managing relationships between the College and current pupils/parents; fulfilling the College’s
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