shall mean the business world, thé firm, the kitchen, or full-timé Chris tian service, whether at home or abroad—Thy will, nothing more, noth ing lésé” ; had they said that to G6d? Bringing to a close that particular message, Dr. Torréy drove .home the challenge with these, words: “Whàt excuse do you have, young man, young woman, you who are so blessed of God, for failing òr refusing to yiéld your all to Him?” Once more a- decision had to be made. I already had plans for my life, but dared I go ahead with them? After all, I claimed to have a Lord, but would I treat Him truly as Lord? Arriving at home from that service, I once more wept to my room and to my knees. And the Lord by His grace enabled me to say “yés” to Him—a décision I never have regretted. The Lord accepted my'surrender, though for months to follow I felt no leading to change my earlier' plans. Theré came a day, however, when the voice of God spoke in a way quite as clear as though it had been audi ble: “I want you for full-time Chris tian service.” I was on a ladder in a peach tree at the, time, working as a picker and trying to earn a little money for college. The voice of the Spirit was clear and "continuous as. the days passed. Thus it was. that I ehtered the Bible Institute of Los An-, geles and for two years had the blessed opportunity of being taught of Dr. Torrey not only ift the Church of the Open Door but also In the class room. It was in the fall of 1916 that I entered the Bible Institute of Los Am geles. The following year my fiancee, Guelph McQuinn, also enrolled, and during that school year both of us caught the vision of missionary serv ice. We were accepted as candidates by the Central American Mission. Our marriage took place in Central Amer ica , and for five and a half years we had the great joy and privilege of serving the Lord Jesus Christ in Nica ragua. When we returned to the United States for furlough, we fully expected to resume our field work a year later. But I was asked to serve as Acting Secretary of the Central Amer ican Mission and later requested to assume the full Secretaryship. For almost eighteen, years I have con tinued in this capacity—years that have been glorious because they have been built upon that earlier decision to make Jesus Christ LORD of the life. - \ Our debt of gratitude to Dr. Tórrey and to the Bible Institute of Los An geles multiplies as the years increase. I thank God for R. A: Torrèy, one of His great gifts to the church.
is not surprising. You American sol diers and fliers and sailors are worth paying attention to. God grant that no girl on any foreign soil will have reason to regret her friendliness to you! That verse says, too, “l will be exalted among the heathen, I wili be exalted in the earth.” Through whom? The Christian nations have failed in carrying the good news of salvation. You soldiers are penetrating where white men have seldom,- or never, been. Since we have failed in times Of peace and. plenty, perhaps God now is going to use those of you who know Him to spread His' gospel wherever you go. Are you willing to be so used, or is your heart so full of hatred that you are unwilling to ' recognize that God still cares for His own? He does care, Soldier! He cares so much that He- had to do something to bring His children back to Him. But not yet have we heard His call. That’s the reason certain Christians actually are leading you soldiers .into, all sorts of temptations, allowing beer and liquors to be sold near • your camps, permitting harlots to entice •you, even offering you innocent girls for your pleasure. It is a sad thing that many Christians are not yet con victed of sin. All this has become so common. “Every one” is dancing, “ every one” is playing cards and gambling, “ every one” is drinking— thus sounds the claim on every hand. .When trouble comes home. to us, then we sometimes see where we have failed the Lord. How .long will It take for us to have our knees bent so that you may return to your homes, victorious? Only God knows! Perhaps He Himself wiU come back to earth before there is peace again. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! W e. Christians pray for you—and then too often make a life that you would live for the glory of the Lord harder to live! You Christian soldiers, pray for usl Pray that we who claim to be Christians will be convicted o f ' our sins. Then shall we all, you who wear uniforms and we who make up the “Home Front,” know that He is God. Then shall He be exalted among the heathen; then shall He be exalted in the earth. God bless you, -Soldier. Chin up for Christ! And remember it is the yield ing to temptation that is sin, not the being tempted, and that with every temptation there is a way of escape, and that Way is Christ Jesus. Don’t forget to pray for us well- meaning, but erring church members. Victoriously yours through Christ * Jesus, B. B, Moore.
TORREY’S CHALLENGE FOR DECISION i [ Continued, from Pagt 5] some individuals as being unable to name the day when they had accepted Christ. They had had Christian par ents, had known the Bible stories and the message of the gospel from in fancy, and had attended Sunday- school faithfully from the Primary Department on. These people, he said, were conscious of having always believed on the Lord Jesus as Saviour —and yet they lacked that definite assurance of salvation of which the Word speaks. They were still "hope so” Christians. (What a looking-glass that part of the message was to me! Twas seeing myself in every word.) Dr. Torrey did not end his message there. He said, in effect, “If this is your case* I urge you to settle the matter right now. Say to the Lord, ‘Lord, I have always believed on Thee. I know that Thou didst die for me. Whether 1 ever have taken Thee to be my Saviour, I am not certain; but right here and now I do so. I give myself to Thee and accept from Thee Thy gift of life, and I rest upon the promises in Thy Word.* ” It was so simple, but it called for action. As I traveled home after that service, the challenge remained with me. The “ shoe” was my very size; I ffiUst put it on. Before the noon meal was announced, I was"on my knees beside my bed, telling the blessed Lord Jesus that I wanted His assur ance, His peace, and that if I never had accepted Him before, I did so then. What a difference that simple choice made! From that day to this, never have I doubted my salvation and acceptance in God’s sight, based as it is upon Christ’s perfect work at Calvary and His present intercession in heaven. Action That Recognized the iORD Many months later, the Spirit of God used Dr. Torrey to call me to a second decision. The message this time was on consecration, and again he covered the subject thoroughly and applied it to individuals. He pic tured those young people who are privileged in having Christian homes, the assurance of salvation, and every opportunity and advantage for a happy, fruitful life. Such, said he, were making plans for a career along one line or another, perhaps even plans for marriage and a home. But had they ever in all their lives said to God: “Lord, my life is not my own. It is Thine by redemption and crea tion. . Thou hast a plan for my life, and I here and now yield my life, my body, my all to Thee. I want Thy perfect plan for the future, no matter what it may mean or cost, whether it
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