Uanvâry ,1943
forth their sheep from the folds in the morning and take their placé at thé head of the flock. In our travels all over Palestine, we can never remem ber an instance of a shepherd’s driv ing his sheep. He always led them. And the sheep were usually 'willing to follow. Think of the multitudes of ways your Shepherd has gone before you, guiding you, strengthening you, comforting you, solving your prob lems, lighting your path. He has even gone before you in death and has come back again to show you the pathway of glory and victory. 4. "My sheep hear my voice . . . and they follow me" (v. 27). These words have assumed a new interest to the writer since his experience at the well of Adullam in southern Palestine some years ago. At the noon hour sev eral shepherds came with their flocks to this watering place for refreshment and rest For an hour or more the flocks mingled together. The shep herds talked with one another as they enjoyed a period of relaxation. Then when it was feeding time again, one shepherd walked off several rods and gave a peculiar’ gutteral call. The sheep belonging to him lifted their heads and quietly followed after their shepherd. Another shepherd did like wise. Only his call was of a different nature. Soon each shepherd and his' flock were together. The sheep knew their shepherd’s call and followed. Golden Text Ulus,tration J ohn 10:11 At Kingston, N. Y., a man disputed with a gypsy chief the possession of a fifteen-year-old girl. The chief in sisted that she was his daughter, but the other man had evidence, con firmed by the girl herself, that he, not the gypsy, was her father. The girl had suddenly disappeared from her home in St. Louis. Her heartbroken father sought the aid of the police,. . . and, after many months, authorities in an Eastern city sent word that a gypsy band there had a girl in it answering the description of his daughter. He hastened to that town, joined the gypsy band, and after some time saw the girl and recognized her. He appealed to the police, proved his claim, and the girl was turned over to him. Her restora tion to her home was due to her father's perseverance and patience. So Christ, seeks until He finds the lost. For Him it meant the actual laying down of His life.— Five Thousand Best Modern Illustrations, by Hallock. Like a Shepherd J ohn 10 MEMORY VERSE: “He called^ his own sheep by name” (John 10:3).
Note to the Teacher: The Shepherd Story is one of the most beautiful and appropriate lessons for children. It can be taught in so many ways that it seems better to suggest several
should not be long enough to reach the top Of the background.) LESSON: When a person is taking something which does not belong to him, he often hears some one cry, “Stop, thief!” ^The Lord Jesus said that there are many people who are not generally considered thieyes, who really are. In the parable of the Good Shepherd, He spoke of those who did not enter ;the sheepfold by the door, and He called them thieves and rob bers. This cardboard marked “HEAVEN” reminds us of the sheepfold about which Jesus was talking., You will notice that1there is a door near the bottom with a red cross on it. This door reminds us of the words of Christ, “ I am the door” (John 10:7)v The, cross tells of His blood which was shed in order that sinners who would trust in Him might enter heaven. This little green ladder does not reach the top of the cardboard. It rep resents those people who are trying to reach heaven by good deeds. One who has received the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour will perform good deeds, but it is Christ who saves, not the good works which the Christian may do. This white ladder representing a clean life does not reach the top, and neither does a “clean life” admit a person to heaven, for no one except Jesus Christ has ever lived a perfect life. This yellow ladder suggests gold. Some men and womeft think that thé giving of their money to the poor or to the church will help them to reach heaven. The Bible teaches that Chris tians should give, but giving does not cause any, one to reach heaven. Only by coming to Christ, the Door, can one be sure of reaching heaven. He has said, “Him that cometh to me I.will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).
a v e n u e s of ap proach rather than to follow the usual method of present ing a brief story. v The song, “Sav iour, Like a Shep herd L e a d U s ,” and the c h o r u s , “ On e D o o r and - O n l y One,” are
both excellent songs for the Assembly Period, while the Twenty-third Psalm is a fine Scripture reading. The fa miliar and beloved pictures of the Lord Jesus as a shepherd can be used effectively either ip the assembly or class period. • APPROACH AND LESSON STORY: One ’day when the Lord Jesus was talking to the people, He told them a parable, or story, about a shepherd. He said that any one who doesn’t enter into the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up, some other way, is a thief and a robber, but the man who enters in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. The shepherd calls each sheep by name. When the sheep hear his voice they follow him, but they won’t follow a. stranger. The people didn’t understand what the Lord Jesus was talking about, and so He told them the wonderful mean ing of the parable. What .do you think it is? Yes, that Jesus is the Shepherd and the people who love Him and fol low Him are His sheep. Wouldn’t you like to hear what the Lord Jesus said in His own wonderful words? (Read verses 7 to 19 and 27 to 29 to the chil dren, stopping to explain any difficult passages or to ask questions.) The Lord Jesus wants to be your Shepherd., He died for you. Will you give Him your heart now? Object Lesson D odging the D oqr OBJECTS: A cardboard background marked “HEAVEN,” and three card board ladders. (Cdt a small door near the bottom of the cardboard, and put a red cross on it. The ladders should be green, white, and yellow. They
Jdlln 11:20 Then Martha, as soon as She heard that Jesus n n s com ing, w ent and mat him : but Mary sat still In the hortbe* 21 Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord» 11 thou had*t been here, my brother had not died*
22 But I ‘ know* that even now , w h at soever thou w ilt ask o f God, God .will give it thee. 23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother sh a ll'rise again. 24 Martha saith unto him , I k n ow that [ Continued oh Page 22]
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