King's Business - 1943-01


Features and Advantages

• 352 pages o fold favorites, many beautiful new num? bers and songs revised and rearranged to meet present evangelical needs. • Strong èvangelical appeal both in musical numbers and large selection o f well chosen pni&on and respon­ sive readings. v#Topic index o f Scripture readings— a new exclusive feature. • Complete general index and extensive topical index (seasons, special days, sub* jects etc.) over 95 headings. •New low priced orches­ trations available for 29 in­ strument?. Single copy $1, in quaniitie? only 85c each*


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PUBLISHING CO., 360-A3 North Waller Avenue, Chicago, llllnol. A. ws nee(i new sons' books in our Church please send us FRKB, ‘^Lirnacfe Hymns Number Four” -th e Song Book of the Nation.

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