January 1943
534x834 inches. Place the 5%-inch side nearest you with the fold to the left. Cut from the bottom 34 inch from the fold up 514 inches. From this point cut 1% inches at a right angle. From here slant down to within 34 inch of the lower right-haiid corner, making the right leg of the “R.” This leg should be 34 inch wide. From the top of this leg, continue the curve of the “R” to within 34 inch of the right side of the paper. The curve of the “R” should be 1 inch wide, making the opening 114 inches deep. Color the front of the “R” green and the back black. Open and color the center ver tical strip red from top to bottom. Color the center crossbar red out as far as the inside of the slanfing legs. This makes a red cross in the center. Color the rest of the inside black.)
risen Jesus of Nazareth. It may be that these heathen mourners were not wholly conscious of all that the words, implied, but it is a significant fact that they bore testimony to their faith, or at least to their hope, that death does not end all, and that Jesus is “the way, the truth* and thé life.”— M i s s i o n a r y Review of the World. Mary and Martha's Best Friend . J ohn 11 MEMORY VERSE: “Thou art near, O Lord” (Psa. 119:151). APPROACH: Do you have some spe cial friends whom you like to visit? Perhaps you have stayed overnight in their home. If they needed you, wouldn’t you be glad to help them in any way you could? The Lord Jesus C H H l l i H i had some friends HByS fe.- '-H i like that in Beth them and resting in their home. LESSON STORY: One day when Jesus was far away, Lazarus became very ill. His sisters sent a message to Jesus to tell Him. In a few days Jesus started for Bethany. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet Him and said, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” (Read verses 22 to 27 to older children.) Then she hurried back to tell Mary that Jesus had come. When Mary saw Jesus, she said exactly what Martha had said. Then the Lord Jesus asked, “Where have ye laid him?” , They said unto Him, “Lord, come and see.” Then Jesus wept. We should always say that beautiful verse very rever ently. When Jesus arrived at the tomb, He asked the people to take away the stone in front of it. After praying out loud to God, He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth.” Lazarus did come right out of thte tomb, all wrapped up in graveclothes. Then Jesus said, “ L o o s e h i m , and let him go.” The Lord Jesus is the best friend in all the world. Is He yours? Object Lesson T he "R " G ives a R eason OBJECTS: A capital “R” and a pair of scissors. '(Make the “R” by using a piece of white paper 834x11 inches. Fold end to end, making the size ■ ¡1 g # :.-- ■ ¡ t e BS1& division _____________ _ a n y w h o m He loved dearly. They were M a r y a n d Martha and their brother, Lazarus. H ow t h e . L o r d Jesus must have enjoyed visiting
\A /H A T are your children being taught ” ’ in Sunday School ? The "Full Gospel" series of Sunday School lessons are loyal to the Word of God. With them every Sunday School becomes a Bible School. Quarterlies and Papers —Adults—Young People—Seniors — Intermediates—Juniors—Primary—Be ginners—The Manual o f Visual Teaching for your Flannelboard. Scriptural, spiritual expositions of the International Sunday School Lessons, adapted to all age groups. Only lO cents for complete samples of sound Sunday school papers and quarterlies. Free : Catalog of Sunday School and Church supplies. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1507 N. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. P R O P H E C Y An accurate Scriptural study. Tracing the Messiah through the Old and New Testaments. Should be in the hands of every Bible loving Christian. S E N T F R E E Christian Witness to Israel, Inc.. 6704 Cedar Ave. Merehantville, N. J. EARN MONEY for WAR. BONDS Y our group can easily earn m oney fo r W ar Bonds b y selling HANDY „WACKS H ang-up W axed Paper. W rite today fo r full particulars. HANDY WACKS CORF., Sparta, Mich.
LESSON: We will let this green “R” remind us of the word “Resurrection.” While Lazarus was dead, the Lord Jesus spoke to Martha and said, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25). In thinking of the resurrection of Christ, people often wonder what the meaning1of it is. When Christ was raised from the dead it showed that God had accepted His offering for sin. We will see whether this “R” has an answer for us as to the meaning of the resurrection. [Cut through the crossbar of the “R” just inside where the slanting leg begins, and again where the top wide strip meets the upright.] We now have a red cross, reminding us of the blood of Christ. [Cut half of the slanting leg off, and again where it meets the crossbar. The. pieces from tHe circle, reversed and put together, make an “S,” and the four pieces from the right leg make the letters “I” and “N.” Pin the red cross on the wall and these let ters on the cross.] The resurrection means that our sins are on Christ’s cross.
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Dr. Frank H. Guernsey O P TO M E T R IS T 415 Park Central Bldg. 412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill
VAndike 1928
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