Carlton C. Buck
Morena H. Downing .
Geraldine Hamlett
Paul A. Uhlinger
NOTES ori Christian Endeavor FOR YOUNG PEOPLE
FEBRUARY 7, 1943 ALWAYS— FOR CHRIST AND THE CHURCH P h il ip p ia n s 3:7-14; P s a l m 84:5-12 By Carlton C. Buck Introduction The slogan, “For Christ and the Church,” has found its way around the world. It has “always” been the heart-throb in every fruitful Christian Endeavor Society. It is not strange, therefore, that on this Christian En deavor Day the topic for our considera tion should be “Always—For Christ and the Church.” We should get a great blessing outf of celebrating the birthday of Christian Endeavor, a movement that has helped countless young people find, Christ and the meaning of the Christian life. Since the evening of February 2, 1881, when Francis E. Clark met with a group of young people in the parsonage- of Williston Church, Portland, Maine, “C. E.”—as it is familiarly called by thousands of young people—has been a constant influence and challenge to youth. The word “ endeavor” is a word of action and that action moves to ward an object. The object toward which the Christian is drawn is Christ - (John 12:32), and the Christian’s in terest first, last and always, must be in and for the church for which Christ, gave His life (Eph. 5:25). In our Saviour’s own love for “the church”—that is, all those who be lieve on Him (reg&rdless of denomina tional affiliation)—we see the reason for our love “for C h r i s t and the Church.”
February 7— CARLTON C. BUCK
Mr. Buck is pastor of the First Christian Church, Holt- ville, Calif., where his five Christian Endeavor societies are most active, having won for three consecutive years a trophy for keen participation in County Union affairs. Last summer Mr. Buck was dean at the Santa Barbara- Ventura C. E. Conference and taught at the two State C. E. Conferences at Tahquitz Pines and Mt. Hermori, Calif. Mrs. Downing (B. Cjhr. Ed. '40 at Biola) was with her husband, James W. Downing, a U. S. Navy petty officer, in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, at the outbreak of the war, December 7. Since Mrs. Downing’s return to the United States, she has spoken to many groups concerning her Pearl Harbor experiences, and has been active in Bible classes and young people’s work. Each week she wit nesses to women in a State Prison and to a Girls’ Indus trial School. Mr. Uhlinger (B. Th. ’42 at Biola). was born in the Bel gian Congo, Central Africa, where his parents were mem bers of the Africa Inland Mission. At seventeen, he came to the United States to prepare for missionary service. He has been a popular speaker among young people in Christian Endeavor circles. and Bible conferences. Mr. Uhlinger is now busy combining his student pastorate work at Stonehurst Chapel in Roscoe, Calif., with col legiate work at Westmont College,- Los Angelès, Calif. Miss Hamlett (B. Chr. Ed.- ’42 at Biola) was elected to membership in the Institute’s chapter, of Phi Alpha Chi Honor Society. She is sponsor of the Intermediate Chris tian Endeavor Society at the First Brethren Church of Whittiei;, Calif., and is a Sunday-school worker and young people’s leader. Last summer she served on the faculty of the Intermediate Conference of the Los Angeles County Christian Endeavor Union at Tahquitz Pines.
February 21—PAUL A. UHLINGER
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