January 1941
Tests of Service: Am I regular and bn time? Do I take responsibility gladly? Do I serve with the right motive? Is the society challenged by the G o d - g i v e n responsibility of service? Tests of Witnessing: Is our society growing? Are others attracted to it? Is Christ exalted in our meetings? Am I a soul-winner? FEBRUARY 14, 1943 HOW CHRIST MEETS THE HUMAN NEEDS L u k e 1 :67-79 By Morena Holmes Downing Introduction A world at war! Hundreds of thou sands of men on many battlefronts, naval e n g a g e m e n t s in far-away waters, commando raids, attacks from the air on land and sea! This is war, in stern, grim reality. Though the strain and burdeh of these days leaves almost no person untouched, we dare to Suggest that the age group who will feel the most terrific impact of war’s paralyzing ferocity is the yout;h of the land. Young men, young women filled with: hopes and dreams, ambi tions1and plans, are suddenly jarred into the mature responsibilities of fighting, working, sacrificing to win a war. Knowing that every phase of the life of this group was being shaken, a na tional leader is reported by recent newspapers to have said that “Amer, ica needs a youth movement,” some thing similar to, and yet in direct contrast to, the youth movements of militaristic nations. A definite pro gram for youth would spur them on, would instill in them the unswerving loyalty, devotion, and enthusiasm of which they are capable. A youth movement! America does need one—under the leadership of a Man, a Man in the Glory, the Lord Jesus Christ. Think of the power, thé influence," the accomplishments that would come as young men and women all over the land come to know Him, the Lord of life, and crown Him Lord of their lives. War or peace, joy- ,or sorrow, luxury or poverty—there is no need in the human heart that cannot be wonderfully met -in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. For Those Who Have Topics I. THE NEED: LIFE. Christ is our Life (Col. 3:4). Perhaps you laughingly say that the fact that we are here postulates that we have life. Or does it? Applying for a job, a girl was told she must pre sent her birth certificate. Later she said, “There I stood, as big as life and they asked me to prove I’d been born!” But many a person has been born and yet does not have life. For, life, real
For Those Who Have Topics £ LOVE FOR CHRIST AND THE CHURCH. A true, compelling love for Christ and His church on the part of society members will go a long way in solv- ing difficulties of the group or in dividual. When one is truly in love with Christ, His work comes first. Paul had a great heritage, a fine education, and outstanding •natural ability, but he did not boast of any of these. When he thought of all else in life, he counted it loss when compared with “ the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus’’ (Phil. 3:8). His ardent love for the things'of his Lord kept him in constant willingness to “press toward the mark” (Phil. 3:14). When we compare our love for Christ with our love for the things of this world, it would be well to consider Christ’s question, “Lovest thou me more than these?” (John 21:15), H, SERVICE FOR CHRIST- AND THE CHURCH. Love prompts service. The one who loves most, serves most. We should not serve “ as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ” (Eph.- 6:6). Paul was one of the greatest servants in the history of the church. Many instances may be cited in the story of his life which will serve as splendid examples of true Christian service. Psalm 84:10 gives us the psalmist’s clear compari son, “I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” The mem bers of the ideal society find great joy In loving service for their Saviour and their church. It may be the job of a “ door-keeper,” but if the duty is per formed with devoted heart, joy and blessing will be among the rewards. III. WITNESSING FOR CHRIST AND THE CHURCH. There are several ways in which we can witness. We' can witness with true praise. We can witness through suffer ing (Phil. 3:10), through testimony of “thè power of his resurrection” (Phil, 3:10), through “reaching forth” (Phil. 3:13), in study, faith, devotion, and service, and through a constancy of purpose pressing “toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14). A good wit ness wins others to Christ and the church. A good motto for any society would be “Every member a soul-, winner.” ' For the Leader By self-examination on the part of society and individual members, the following tests may be of value: Tests of Love: Am I devoted to the cause of Christ? Am I loyal to Him and His church? Do I value Christian fellowship enough? Does Christian worship have real meaning to me?
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