King's Business - 1943-01


ïtmury 1*43

4:5). Notice that according to this Scripture, redemption précédés sonship and brotherhood. This is God’s order throughout Scripture. A false propaganda of Satan has bèért running rampant through this land to the effect that men need only to know they are already sons of God and therefore brothers. The very vital element oî regeneration is omitted in this view, and men are trying to get an effect without a cause. On the other hand we must not forget that among really “ born-again’' individuals, those who are children of God by faith in Christ (Gal. 3:26), there Should be a “world of brotherhood.” It is such a “world within a world” that Christ is building today by putting cause before effect. For Those Who Have Topics I. THROUGH A REVELATION OF HIMSELF (Lk. 24:36-46). Christ has seen fit to use human in­ struments to do His work, but before any of us can begin, we must be per­ sonally ■acquainted with “ Jesus him­ self.” Before we can make Him known, we must know Him. Of course one must know Christ as Saviour from sin. It is also essential to know Him as the risen, ascended Master and Lord of our lives. It was necessary for Isaiah to see "the Lord high and lifted up” before he was fit to be one of His witnesses. Paul had to meet Christ on thé Da­ mascus road and say, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to ho?” before God could by any means use him. Down through the ages since then, it has been only a personal contact with Christ as both .Saviour and Lord that has given any real conviction and power in testimony. Christ can use only obedient children of God to build His church. II. THROUGH AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCRIPTURES (vs. 45, 46). For one who knows Christ, the Scriptures hold a new interest. We are always interested in a book whose author we know. It is an intelligent knowledge of the Scriptures that Christ Uses to build His family of brother­ hood. Peter speaks of “ being born again . . . , by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever” (1 Pet. 1:23). The Word has a very potent part in salvation, and if we are to be used to any extent, we must have our Understanding opened concerning it. Any one reading the biographies pf Moody, Spurgeon, Finney, Torrey, and scores of others whom God has used will find one characteristic common to all: they were mighty in the Scrip­ tures. Wherever missionaries have translated God’s Word into the lan­ guage of the people, the Lord has

blessed and the results have been permanent. III. THROUGH SPIRIT-FILLED WITNESSES (Vs. 47-49). To you and to me is given the privilege that even the angels covet. We are witnesses for Christ concerning the greatest message that can be brought to mân. With this privilege is the responsibility to get it out to every nation. We cjinnot be successful in such a tremendous task until we “be endued with power from on high.” The crying need of the world today is for saved, consecrated, and Spirit-filled young people to go out to thé utter­ most parts of the' earth. The war will undoubtedly open countless doors of opportunity, and the responsibility is ours as young people to go out and occupy for Christ. For the Loader An excellent climax for the meeting is the life story of a missionary. Have some one read a missionary biography such as that of John G. Pâton, Jona­ than Goforth, Adoniram Judson, John and Betty Stam, William Carey, David Livingstone, Robert Moffat, or Mary Slessor, and give the highlights of the story. FEBRUARY 28,1943 Young people, what would you give for thé personal, intimate friendship of the world’s most influential man—, one whose fingers are upon the very pulse of all human governments, one whose, financial status is above all others on this earth, one whose intel­ lect and mentality supersede our highest bracket? The writer of these notes knows just that Person and longs to introduce Him as the One who can solve every personal problem and meet every need. “How shall I spend my money?” “Whom shall I choose for my friends?” “How can I give up worldly amuse­ ments?” “Why müst I be born again?” “What about my education?” These are. the questions young people are puzzling over today. But listen as the Lord speaks through thé words of Deuteronomy 1:17: “And the cause that is too hard for you, bring it to me, and I will hear it.” For Those Who Have Topics I. WHY . . . MUST WE BE BORN AGAIN? “The soul that sinneth, it shall dje” (Ezek. 18:20). Since all men have sinned, it is imperative that every young person obtain spiritual life. To HOW CHRIST SOLVES PERSONAL PROBLEMS P salm 2 4 :3 -5 ; J ohn 3:1-17 By Geraldine Hamletl ' Introduction

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