King's Business - 1943-01

THE KING' S BUSINESS follow is this: When in doubt as to an amusement, give God the benefit of the doubt. When any amusement or habit destroys your appetite for spirit­ ual things, give it up. When it hinders your testimony for Christ, surrender it to Him. III. WHERE . . . SHALL WE SPEND OUR MONEY? Inflation! Rising cost of living, war bonds—these and other words con­ stantly flash upon our mental horizons as we think of monetary values. Where should young people place 'their money? Christian young people can invest for eternity by giving to the Lord’s work a tenth or more of all that Comes into their hands. Malachi 3:10 tells of the blessings showered on all who do so, and 2 Corinthians 9:7 reveals God’s standard for giving. Have you experienced the joy of knowing that a little African boy will soon know freedom from both spiritual and physical leprosy because of your dollar given to the Lord’s work there? Or does your money always cause you to think in terms of new clothes, cars, temporal things? Remember Matthew 6:33! IV. WHAT . . . ABOUT OUR EDUCATION? The Army and Navy call; local busi­ ness and defense industries make their plea. What about the university, the business college, or Bible training? Psalm 32:8 reveals the Pilot who guides through these treacherous channels of indecision. ,Young people seek wisdom and find it elusive. Only in Christ “are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). And today Christ is leading many young people to Bible Institutes for a foundation in the faith that will pre­ pare them for a bold, Unflinching wit­ ness for Christ. Stop! Look! Listen! Consider well before taking the next step. Give Christ, the pre-eminence in your education. . V. HOW . . . SHALL I CHOOSE MY FRIENDS? There are companions to be chosen at school, contracts to be made in the business world, lifelong partnerships to be entered in the realm of marriage. Only in God’s Word do we find a posi­ tive rule for our lives: “Be ye not un- equally yoked together with unbeliev­ ers: for what fellowship hath right­ eousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with - darkness?” (2 Cor. 6:14). If there are no Christians at your school with whom you may have companionship, win a young person to Christ! In the business world beware of unholy al­ liances, for how “can two walk to­ gether, except they be agreed?” (cf. Amos 3:3). Special care is needed in choosing a life partner, for marriage is a relationship to be terminated only by death. : ,

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have spiritual life we must be born from above. Turn to John 3 in your Bibles, and there we read of Nico- demus who phrased the very ques­ tion, “How can a man be bom when he is old?” The answer is: by believ­ ing on the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour! II. WHEN . . . SHOULD*WE GIVE UP WORLDLY AMUSEMENTS? Quietly, yet persuasively, the Holy Spirit speaks to Christian young people’s hearts saying, “Friendship of the world is enmity with God” (Jas. 4:4; cf, 1 John 2:15-17). A good rule to

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Biola Correspondence School January, 1943

Dear Students: Your letters (turing the past year have brought the Lord’s own encouragement to us as you have mentioned the blessings received from our systematic Bible Correspondence Courses in God’s Word. We should like to share with all of you the words of appreciation that have been received, but the following are typical: “ I am enjoying the 'Child Evangelism Course’ very much; the materiaf is excellent and more than I anticipated.” . . . ‘‘The ‘Bible Beginners’ Course’ is so helpful that I want to continue taking all nineteen courses that you offer.” . . . “ Not only have I enjoyed the course, but your helpful remarks and .instruction have also been most useful. Your time, attention, and interest have stimulated me to greater Bible study for which I am grateful.” Looking forward in this year of 1943, we pray for your continued study of the Word, to the end that your daily life may have His richest blessing and be effective and efficient in -service, as you seek to be “ filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.” Cordially yours in Christ,

Correspondence Secretary (1 Peter 3:15) • Nineteen Systematic Bible Courses

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CORRESPONDENCESCHOOL 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles

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