King's Business - 1943-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE Word From a Japanese-American From a Japanese Assembly,Center at Poston, Ariz., a former student of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Doris Fujimoto, wrote to a member of the KING’S BUSINESS Circulation De­ partment, where she was employed part-time during her student days, ex­ pressing appreciation for copies of the magazine: “We are surely using any gospel material we can lay hands on, and the Sunday-school lessons are ex­ cellent, since we are taking the Inter­ national Uniform Lessons. Miss Dud- row [Thelma Dudrow, ’27, who for years has been serving among young Christian Japanese in Los Angeles] came in one day recently. It was surely good to see her agaih, and we had a grand reunion at the church here.” Miss Fujimoto may be addressed at the Assembly Center, Blk. 3, Apt. 4-C, Poston, Ariz. America Safely. He is w i t h h i s brother and sister-in-law, Harold and Mrs. Young (Ruth Pinkerton) In Mus- soorie, India. He added: “It was with heavy heart that I had to leave our many thousands of Christians on"the KengtUng and Bana fields, but it would not have been wise to have attempted to remain on under the circumstances . . . Up to the time I left, our work on the Bana field had not been affected much by the war, and ' the work was moving on quite noripally. I am confident that our. native workers will try their best to carry on during the 'absence of their missionaries. Please join with me in prayer for our many Christians, and also that the Lord will open the way for me to return to them soon.”

Frances, April 23, 1942, Kanhsien, Kiangsi, Free China. To Keith (’40) and Mrs. Fields (Sarah Balzer, ’39), a daughter, Nancy Marie, July 31, 1942, Medford, Ore. To Michael William arid. Mrs. Go- lick ( V e r e n a Ruth Cornelsen), a daughter, Diane Michele, Nov. 13,1942, Bakersfield, Calif. To Eldon (’38) and Mrs. Johnson (Opal Sherier, ’37), a son, Rex Eldon, Oct. 30, 1942, Cochabamba, Bolivia, South America. To Howard Duane and Mrs. Owings (Mary R. Best, ’35), twin sons, Robert and James, Nov. 7, 1942, Baltimore, Md. To Timothy (’33) and Mrs. Pietsch, a son, William Kelsey, NoV. 9, 1942, Turlock, Calif. To M. Vincent and Mrs. Young, a daughter, Nelda Marie, Jan. 6, 1942, TaUnggyi, Burma. With the Lord Mrs. William J. Collins (Madge Henry, ’23) went to be with Christ on Oct. 8, 1942, from Glendale, Calif. Sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Charles D. Hope (Mabel L. Merrill, ’15) whose husband was called sud­ denly into the presence of his Saviour on Nov. 1, 1942. For many years, Mrs. Hope has been active and most gra­ ciously used of God as a Bible Woman of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Ella Neuman, '41, a member of the Migrant Gospel Fellowship with head­ quarters at 301 Cahill* St., Turlock, Calif., was struck by an automobile while walking with Hulda Suderman, ’33, to their hpme after the evening service at the Firebaugh camp on Sunday, Sept. 28, 1942, and was called into the presence of the Lord. feated soul. 127 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. St. John’s Art Gallery: Twenty-One Portraits of Christ By Frank Charles Thompson Twenty-one helpful outlines, con­ sidered under the analogy of “ por­ traits,” with accompanying devotional poetry, are presented in this small yet detailed volume on the individual chapters of John’s Gospel. Material adaptable for Bible study groups, prhyer meeting t a l k s , or sermons aboupds in this work by the author of the notes in the widely circulated Thompson Chain-Reference Bible. 34 pages. L. B. Thompson, 610 Alta Ave., Santa Monica, Calif. Paper. Price 35 cents. f Continued on Pat/e 39]

Married ►Arthur Frees and Mabel O. Rieger, ’32, July 13, 1942, Los Angeles, Calif. Clate A. Risley, ’40, and June Carol Root, Oct. 9, J942, San Diego, Calif. Born To Herman P. and Mrs. ASchmann (Elizabeth F. Dawson), a son, Robert P., July 27, 1942, Zapotitlari de Men­ dez, Pue., Mexico. To John ( ’40) and Mrs. Dedrick (Mary Jane David, ’40), a daughter, Jolana Kay, Nov. 17, 1942, San Luis Obispo, Calif. To Cyril and Mrs. Faulkner (Frances Gray, ’34), a daughter, M a r g a r e t How to Live the Victorious Life By An Unknown Christian These studies appeared first in “The Life of Faith,” a British weekly, and popular insistence resulted in their issuance in this more permanent form. Already 61,000 copies have been cir­ culated. In the editor’s Foreword there is this comment: “Perhaps the thing which has impressed me most . . . j£ the deep need of the human heart. Defeat, and not victory, is the sad inscription which experience demands should be written over the life of many a follower of Jesus Christ. In the riches of divine grace,, proyision is made for constant, unbroken vic­ tory on the part of every child of God”—and this book tells plainly how It is to be achieved. It will be God’s good news to many a strueglinp, de­

Guided into New Fields While Carleton E. and Mrs. Null (Dorothy Bryan, ’34) are ministering to service men in Chicago, Sarah In­ gram, ’42, is managing the Bible Book Store, 526 Fifteenth St., Oakland, Calif. Harry (’12) ahd Mrs. Hill (Mary Ross, ’14) have recently left their work at the T r i n i t y Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles to visit Yuca­ tan, Mexico, where they expect to find people from the “Land of the Morning Calm” who do not speak Spanish. They may be addressed in care of Turner Hodge School, Merida, Yucatan, Mex­ ico. M. Vincent Young, who had been stationed in Kengtung, Burma, under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, wrote in September, 1942, that his wife and the children had reached Sam (’39) and Mrs. Kleinsasser (Lou Kathryn Reynolds, ’39) are now in Folsom, Calif., where Mr. Kleinsasser is Associate pastor and Associate Pris­ on Chaplain in Folsom. He was or­ dained in Stockton, Calif., in Septem­ ber. They may be addressed at P. O. Box 446, Folsom, Calif. Recent Ordinations Gene W. Fussell, Th. B., ’40, was ordained to the gospel ministry on December 4, 1942, at the Lincoln Heights Baptist Church in Los An­ geles, where he has been serving as pastor. Menno H. Schellenberg, ’40, was or­ dained on August 2, 1942, ,in the Men- nonite Brethren Church of Shafter, Calif. He is now affiliated with the Migrant Gospel Fellowship, and may be addressed at Box 176, Casa Grande, Arizona.

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