January 1943
The Word. Made Flesh—Yol. I . Obedient unto Death—Yol. II By J . C. Macaulay These two volumes constitute a uni fied devotional commentary on John’s Gospel. The comments are brief, meaty, thought-provoking. Each book is complete in itself, offering stimu lation and suggestion not- only for the pastor or teacher, but also for the casual reader who has time for only a page or two at a time. The pastor of a growing church in a college com munity, Pastor Macaulay brings to his task a humble dependence upon the Holy Spirit, a warm love for the Word and for s o u Js, and the gift of \ the teaching ministry. Because the In ternational Sunday-school lessons for the early part of 1943 deal with John’s Gospel, these two books will be found especially useful at this time. 144 pages each. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.. Cloth. Price $1.00 each. Peace Like a River By Vance Havner Here are very brief meditations— thirty of them — their titles taken from the commonplace things of life. The comments provoke thought, ex press subtle humbr,, and exude tran quillity. Yet there is advocated no false basis of peace, for everywhere the writer is careful to point to Christ, since “He is our peace.” In a world of hurry, restlessness, and'uncertainty, here is a book to provide moments of comfort and inspiration. 96 pages. Revell Co., New York. Cloth. Price $1. Flanoblot Pictures These brightly colored Flanoblot Pictures will adhere to your Flannel Board without the usual backing of flannel. This series of Bible charac ters and scenes was prepared for use with the Uniform Sunday School Les sons on John, but can be adapted to many individual l e s s o n s f o u n d throughout Scripture. The generous supply of almost 100 figures comes with a helpful key showing two sug gested scenes for each lesson. All figures have been numbered for con venience in using the key. Price per set of 13 lessons (January through March) $2.00. Union Gospel Press, Cleveland, Ohio. Thé Pig’s Birthday By John Bechtel In the land of China, the sixth day of the Chinese New Year according to the old Chinese alihanac is the “Pig’s Birthday”—a superstitious holiday of heathendom. John Bechtel, the author of this b o o k , and a missionary to C h i n a recently repatriated on the Gripsholm, begins and ends his in triguing Oriental story with the cele bration of this holiday in a southern
Your Handbooks fo r stu d y in g th e International, U n iform L esson s begin n in g January 3, 1943 DEVOTIONAL STUDIES in ST. JOHN’S GOSPEL By J. C. MACAULAY, Pastor, Wheaton Bible Church, Wheaton, Illinois Yol. 1 “THE WORD MADE FLESH” ,* Yol. 2 “OBEDIENT UNTO DEATH” P rice $1.00 each ' (Wm . B. Eerdmans Publishing. Co;, Grand Rapids, M ich.) 3 CONVENIENT FEATURES: .1. Logical division'ot tbe text. 2. Suggestive outline before each chapter* 3. 57 brief, pointed, meaty studies. WHAT OTHERS SAY: \ “W e have seen nothing since F. B. M eyer's *Light and L ife o f Men,* and *Love to the -/Uttermost,’ which appeared m^ny years ago, that appeals so to both m ind and heart. It is devotional literature o f the high est, order.” : . ... Christian Standard. “ The teacher’s synthetic g ift is used effectively in show ing phases o f Christian truth in their relation to each other and to the w hole o f God’s revelation to the human heart.” . . . Church School Prom oter; •>“ It is all icream.” . . . Moody Monthly. May be purchased, from tbe Wheaton Bible Church, Wheaton, Illinois
TRUE-TO-THE-BIBLE LESSONS Does tKe beginning of the pew quarter fin d all your Sunday School departments .enjoying the benefits of Standard's True-to-the-Bible lessons? If not, consider them for next quarter. Standard's Closely Graded or Uniform lessons are used in thousands of successful schools for pupils of all ages. Every lesson a Bible lesson, true to the Bible as God's
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Chinese market’ town. At the time of the first “Pig’s Birthday,” ' the Wong Home was a typical idolatrous one, possessing many gods of wood and stone, and numerous other manifesta tions of heathenism. But the l a s t “Pig’s Birthday” is one of marked contrast. The breath-taking events of the intervening years make this story a thrilling one for both young and old. 248 pages. The Moody Press, Chicago, 111. Cloth. Price $1.00. DR. TALBOT’S QUESTION BOX ['Continued from Page. 10] Throughout the Book of Revelation this name for Christ is used. You will enjoy taking your pencil and mark ing every time in Revelation that Christ is called the Lamb. Revelation 21:9, to which you refer, says: “Come hither, I will show, thee the bride, the lamb’s wife.” Then John was shown the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, in which the bride, the Lamb’s wife, dwelt. He does not say who the Lamb’s wife was; In this passage he merely is showing where she dwells. We be lieve that the Bride of Christ includes all believers of this dispensation. Paul’s writings make this clear (cf. Eph. 5:23-27; 2 Cor. 11:2).
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