October Kitchen - June 2021

For Steve and his wife, food was always something they needed to take care of or they wouldn’t survive long! Although they own a grill and use it from time to time, cooking was a major hassle because they both worked full- time jobs. Eating out was the most convenient option most of the time. This began to concern them due to high amounts of sodium in most restaurant food. Since high cholesterol and heart disease ran in Steve’s family, he knew the trend just couldn’t continue. How Steve Has Adopted October Kitchen Into His Life A PART OF THE FAMILY

It also amazes Steve how often we change our menu and the huge variety we offer. When his family had two kids in the house before, they used to go to several different restaurants to pick up meals. Now, they can get many different types of meals in one stop. Steve said he could go a whole year without seeing the same dish twice (besides our regularly offered comfort meals). The changes have been awesome. In Steve’s house, about 10–12 meals every week are from October Kitchen and their food bill has gone down. Steve’s cholesterol is the lowest it’s ever been and his blood pressure has also been significantly reduced. We were also amazed to hear that, while looking for a lake house, Steve and his wife didn’t want to buy one that wouldn’t be in driving distance in October Kitchen! Thankfully, they found the perfect home and they’ll only be a 30-minute drive away, so we’ll be well within range for Steve and his wife to enjoy our food while enjoying the lake. We’re so happy to be a part of the family now. Thank you so much for all your support!

That’s when, 3 1/2 years ago, they found October Kitchen.

Steve talked about their struggle to a friend and the friend mentioned that he was buying October Kitchen for his dad. Steve looked into it, and as it turned out, October Kitchen was only 3 miles from their house. He gave it a try one week and immediately got his wife hooked on their food. They’ve been going back every week to pick up their order ever since! The most exciting part of the experience is our weekly specials. Steve enjoys that he doesn’t know what their weekly specials are going to be until he gets there — and yet, those weekly items are typically what he ends up buying!

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similar yeast-raised doughnut as theirs, and while it was a very good doughnut, it wasn’t the same as Congdon’s.

coated in a very fine sugar. It’s extremely satisfying and the quintessential American donut.

Doughnuts are incredible. If you’re near our store location, you’ll also find some pretty great ones at the doughnut and coffee shop in our shopping plaza. I think everyone should enjoy an awesome doughnut on occasion and enjoy the heck out of it. I hope you have a tasty National Doughnut weekend this first weekend of June — a treat so delicious, it gets a whole weekend.

People get a little dubious when I recognize a doughnut shop as a “must-try” restaurant, but — just to reinforce this fact — these doughnuts are so incredible, they will ruin all other doughnuts for you. They certainly did for me and for friends of mine who have taken my advice. My produce saleswoman, who I’ve been working with for over 30 years, was going on a trip to Maine with her husband and I told her about Congdon’s. Then, I remember getting a text from her one morning, saying, “These are the greatest doughnuts I’ve had in my entire life.”

If you ever make it up to Maine, please stop by this restaurant and bakery. I promise you won’t regret it. I’ve tried making a

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