King's Business - 1928-07

%KIN«ISjNESS $iB£e 2ïtaqo5ttic

July • 1928

Volume 19— N um ber 7 25 cents a copy

$1.25 a y ear in U. S. $1.50 foreign




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SPEAK!HG of religious education What hitman being «ver undertiwlt a IPeater t< Moses? The piatire represents a statue ereaeJ at |j


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W f CrfEK Through the Christian Education Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

1. In the Day School

A th ree y ears’ C hristian E ducation course leading to a special diplom a. ITS AIM. To fit young m en and wom en to becom e P a sto rs’ A ssistan ts, D irectors of R eligious Education, Y oung People’s W orkers an d M issionary T eachers. ITS CONTENT. Special C lasses in— R eligious Pedagogy P ractice T eaching T he E ducational T ask of the Church S tory Telling G raded S. S. M ethods Bible M annersan d C ustom s Child Psychology B lackboard W ork ^ Stew ardship and o th er im p o rtan t subjects. NOTE: Besides th ese special classes, th e stu d en ts in th is course a re required to ta k e th e b asic Bible subjects and allied studies. ITS CHARACTER. P ractical, Pedagogical a n d E vangelical; com bining the b est of th eo ry w ith actu al practice. II. In the Evening School T eacher T rain in g classes fo r Sunday School teachers. These units c arry cred it w ith th e Bible Institute,' also w ith th e Inter- national Council of R eligious E ducation. Schedule for 1928-1929 Sept. 21-Dec. 14 Jan . 4 -M ar. 15 Choice of th ree u n its The T eaching W ork of the C hurch 1. P rim ary D epartm ent A dm inistration M ar. 22-June 7 2. Ju n io r D epartm ent A dm inistration An elective u n it to be determ ined later. 3. Interm ediate D epartm ent A dm inistration A stu d y of th e g reat teaching principles b ased on th e pedagogy of Jesus. T eacher T raining C ourse - - - - - - U nit II— A STUDY OF TH E PU PIL A general course in child a n d adolescent psychology w ith special application to Sunday School w ork. NOTE: These u n its also c arry cred it w ith th e International Council of R eligious E ducation. IV. In the Summer School June 18-Ju ly 6, 1928— T hree courses of S tan d ard Leadership T raining C urriculum— Story Telling in R eligious E ducation; T eaching V alues of the New T estam en t; The Teaching W ork of th e C hurch. “ If we w ork upon m arble, it will perish. If we w ork upon brass, tim e will efface it. If w e re a r teinples they will crum ble to du st. B ut if we w ork upon m en’s im m ortal m in d s ...............we engrave on these tab lets som ething w hich no tim e can efface an d w hich will b rig h ten an d b rig h ten to all eternity.*’—-W ebster. In addition, an In stitu te for Daily V acation Bible School teach ers is offered six evenings in May. III. In the Correspondence School T eacher T raining C ourse - - - - - U nit I— JESUS AS A MASTER TEACHER

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Christian Education Department CIELE INSTITUTE CE LCT ANCELET 536 Sou th Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

En-route for Girl’s Leadership Camp

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In order to speed up the circulation of this timely book, we are offering a copy A b s o lu te ly Free w ith every N ew sub' scription to T h e K in g ’s B u s in e s s . We have never made such an extraordinary offer, nor one which we believe will bring such delight to all new subscribers. THE KING’S BUSINESS ONE FULL YEAR AND THIS BOOK [$1.90 value] ONLY $1.25

The Author’s Expression: “I have for some years felt I could not consider my written testimony complete until I had put into print an exaltation of Christ as Lord and King, that would be somewhat out of the ordinary. I have never written anything into which I have put so much of earnest thought, nor anything that has brought so much blessing to my own soul. It is such a testimony as I should CUT0UT li\e to leave as my last effort if, in the providence of God, CUT0UT I should not be permitted to write more."— Keith L. Brooks

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Motto: “ I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.” Isaiah 27:3

PUB L I SHE D MONTHLY BY AND R E P R E S E N T I N G THE B I BLE I N S T I T U T E OF LOS ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I n n is , Editor-in-Chief K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor Volume XIX July, 1928 Number 7

BOARD OF DIRECTORS BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J. M. I rvine , President J. M. R ust , - 1st Vice-President L eon V. S haw , 2nd Vice-President A lexander M ac K eigan , Secretary M rs . L yman S tewart , Asst. Secretary H oward F rost C- E. F uller N athan N ewby W illiam H azlett J. O. S m ith D r . J ohn M. M ac I n n is , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean W m . A. F isher , E x e c u t i v e Secretary and Treasurer. Terms : $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Qubs of 5 or mòre 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred. Remittance : Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the .'“Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for. regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts : T h e ' K i n g ’ s B usiness cannot accept re-, sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change of Address: Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date of desired change.

Table of Contents


D r . J ohn M. M ac I n n is , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H . H unter , Secretary of Faculty R ev . W illiam H . P ik e , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S, P earce , Secretary Cor. School R ev . A lbert E. K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E. U urlburt R ev . A lva J. M c C la in ' C hristian M. B ooks . R ev . K eith L. B rooks P rop . A lfred A. B utler M iss F lorence C haffer R e V. J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H . W . K ellogg M iss R u th W alter P rof . H. G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge H . W . B oyd , M.D. M rs . A lma K. M oss

' EDITORIALS - “A Teacher Come From God”.... .......................... 397 Christian Education Cours£ff4-Why ?...... .......... 397 Need We Shun the Word Philosophy ?........ j __ 398 “Pure Religion and Undefiled”—— ..... ................399 “Shall He Find the Faith on the Earth ..399 Shall We Deal With Psychology?.......... :............400 Stupendous Miracles of Last Days..........—........401 Editorial Flashlights ..............................................403 * * * * ARTICLES Menacing Theories of Christian Education |M -W alter Albion Squires ................................... 405 What Is True Christian Education? —Dr. G. Campbell Morgan.—............. ............407 Christian Education and Modern Civilization —J. M. Price, A.M., Th.D..... ......... ...............408 Christian Education and Evangelism —Rev. Albert E. Kelly..;........... !........... ........... 410 The Need of Teacher Training —Florence M. Chaffee.,.....................................411 Christian Education and the Prospective Missionary—Rev. Ford L. Canfield.................. 413 The Sunday School Song Service....................... 414 A System of Junior Required Memory Work..... 415 Music as a Spiritual Tonic—Keith L. Brooks....416 The Dawn of a New Day in China.......................421 Sure Words of Comfort—F. J. Atkinson.......... ....... Young People’s Bible Catechism —Mrs, Orah G. Brooks..—..—.—— ...,.......... ,..449 * * * * DEPARTMENTS Passages That Perplex—By K. L. B.................... 418 Heart to Heart With Our Young Readers The Springtime of Life—Gertrude Cockerell..... 420 Striking Stories of God’s Workings............. ......422 Finest of the Wheat....................................... 425 The Junior King’s Business —Mrs. Orah G. Brooks........................... 427 International Lesson Commentary....................... 429 Biola Table Chat.......................................... 438 Literature Table .............. 443 Stories of Our Euduring Hymns........ ...............450 Illustrated Daily Text ........................................... 451

P rof . R aymond C onner B. G. P inkerton , M.D. F. J ean H olt , M.D. Ross:A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D. M argaret M orris , M.D. Miss' A lta D avis

Advertising: For information with reference to advertising in T h e K ing ' s B u sin ess ? ad­ dress the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 113th St„ Philadel­ phia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918.

POLICY AS DE FIN ED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To sta n d fo r th e infallib le W ord of God and its g re a t fundam ental tru th s, (b) To stre n g th e n th e fa ith of all believers, (c) To s tir young m en and wom en to fit them selves fo r and engage in definite C h ristian w ork, (d) To m ake th e Bible In s titu te of Los A ngeles known, (e) To m ag n ify God our F a th e r and th e person, w ork and com ing of our L ord Je su s C hrist: and to teachi the tra n sfo rm in g pow er of th e H oly S pirit in our p re sen t p ra c tic a l life, (f) To em phasize in stro n g , co n stru ctiv e m essages th e g re a t BIBLE INSTITUTE

foun d atio n s of C h ristian faith . 536-558 S. Hope Street


Los Angeles, California

The Aim of Biola Christian Education Course

To M a k e Rea l Teachers

T eaching “To teach is not alone to tell

A thing or two and say it well And knock into the denser pates A repertoire o f facts^Shd dates. “To teach is not alone to drill And force to march up Learning’s hill, Upon their bowed and weary legs, A squad of little human pegs. “To teach is not alone to curb Unruly youths who school disturb — And make reports and hand out grades And deal with pupils as with shades. “To teach? I t is to reach, to find The hidden laws of growing mind; In boy to see the coming man, Then shape him to a splendid plan,-— This is to teach!”


July 1928

T h e

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the finer type of sympathy found in the Lord Jesus. Jesus was the most earnest of teachers. No one could fail to see His intensity. It was never measured by the size of the class He jwas called upon to teach. No group was commonplace, no person insignificant. His lesson was the outflow of a life, not the performance of an hour. The passion to win our hearers for Christ must be the fountain from which our teaching flows, if we are to be successful in any degree. Jesus was the most self-forgetful of all teachers. He came not to be waited upon (Mk. 10:45), and He taught His disciples that the key to true greatness was to make themselves the servants of all (Mt. 23:11). Love lay

“A Teaches Come From God” S this number of T h e K in g ’ s B u siness appears, thousands of Sunday-school teach­ ers will be assembling in Los Angeles for the great World Sunday School Convention. To them this Christian Education number of T h e K in g ’ s B u sin ess is specially dedicated. We shall have the pleasure of placing copies

of our magazine in the hands of many delegates and we want them first of all to come face to face with Jesus Christ, the greatest of all teachers. The most characteristic of all the titles by which Jesus

behind all He did and said. His unfailing goodness made His message stick. Have we learned that while we may be lacking in reasoning power, we may win through Christlike unselfishness and devotion to the interests of those whom we have the oppor­ tunity to teach? A loving heart will go farther than a ready tongue in profiting others. It is our earnest prayer that Jesus Christ may be exalted in the World Sunday School Con­ vention from first to last. If these hundreds of teachers go back to their churches through­ out the world to impart new blessings, it will be because they havfe cathght a fresh vision of the Teacher of teachers. ■ Christian Education Courses—Why ? GREAT deal of emphasis is being placed these days upon the courses of Christian

became known among both friends and enemies was that of * t e a c h e r He was recognized as "a teacher come from God” (Jn. 3:2), and His followers vve r e known as “disciples” ( learners). His parting instruc­ tion to His followers was to “go and teach” (Mt. 20:18-20). The mission of the church can­ not be realized unless this teach­ ing program is carried out. We are- to teach the very things Jesus taught to His ^disciples, and if we are to make any last­ ing impression, we must have the qualities of the Teacher of teachers in our lives. We may be masters of the subject of child-psychology yet be an utter failure because we have not been with Jesus and learned of Him. He who sits most at the feet of the Supreme Teacher will make the deepest impressions upon those whom he seeks to teach. Jesus was the humblest of

all teachers (Mt. 11:29), yet no one ever taught with such authority (Mt. 7 :29).- Let us learn at the outset that the laden boughs hang lowest. The mind laden with divine philosophy will be the most humble. Jesus was the most patient of all teachers. The mea­ sure of a great man is the way he treats little men. The Great Teacher bore with inexcusable stupidity, the blind­ est of prejudice, the most vexing shallowness. He saw that they were just sheep without a shepherd, and was moved with compassion toward them (Mk. 6:34). Have we learned to be “gentle unto all men, skillful to teach, apd patient” ? (2 Tim. 2:24.) í* Jesus, was the most courteous of teachers, the first true gentleman who ever breathed. Think of His attitude to­ ward the woman with the issue of blood (Mt. 9 :20 ); His delicacy in dealing with the woman taken in adultery (Jn. 8 : 2 - l l ) H i s spirit toward little children (Mt. 19:13); His tenderness toward outcasts and the poor. Let us not education to fit people to carry on aggressive work among the young in our churches. It cannot be said too forcibly, however, that if a teacher’s sole equipment is the knowl­ edge of the materials of an education, he will be helpless in the great emergencies with which he will be faced. Not infrequently is the religious teacher faced with thè opportunity to give specific guidance to a soul—such guidance as can only be given by one with a knowledge of God’s ways and a spiritual insight, able to discover the deep need of the heart. He will then find out that what he needs more than the mastery of any subject matter, is the power of vision which the Holy Spirit alone can give. On the other hand, there are courses of study which will greatly aid in acquiring these powers of insight. Such courses to be of value must have the Bible as their chief textbook, and the principles and methods taught must be such as are in perfect harmony with God’s Word. The successful religious teacher must have a knowledge of as teachers become so dignified as to get away from educational principles. He must discover the secrets of

July 1928


T h e

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Many of our graduates are testifying to the value of our course, not only in work in Sunday schools in the home­ land, but especially in handling groups upon the foreign mission field. Such courses are practically new in Bible

controlling a group of young people in order to secure attention and hold interest. Such an equipment, linked to a Spirit-filled life and a soul-love for childhood, will enable one to train up souls into -a knowledge of the truth as it is

institutes, but we must face the need and give our c o m i n g leaders such training in the spiritual atmosphere pe­ culiar to Bible insti­ tutes. There has been much criticism of •the instruction g i.v e n in some institutions. Does it not devolve u p o n Bible institutes to pro­ vide the right kind- u f training ? Remember that some of the practical train­ ing of our Christian Education Course can be obtained through o u r Correspondence' School by those who cannot attend the Insti­ tute. We would call special attention to this month’s advertisement of t h e s e correspon­ dence courses.

in Christ—a knowledge that will be glorified not merely by its enter­ tainment, but by its use in a life of definite ser­ vice. Emerson once wrote his daughter that he cared little concerning the name of the school she attended, but he cared much concerning the teachers with whom she studied. He had seen what we all should c o m e to see, that a school is but a place where life touches life,: but that teaching is, the conscious act of the t r a i n e d spirit of a teacher influencing the less trained spirit of the pupil to the end that the pupil may come into possession of truth. To inform is one thing: to enrich the soul is another. If there is one thing above another a teacher in a Sunday school is expected to

Need We Shun th e Word Philosophy? “Beware lest any man spoil you, through philosophy and vain, der ceit” (Col. 2:8)..:; S OME time ago T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess carried an article on “The Christian Philoso­ pher.” It did not take the editors long to discover that in the minds of some people the words “Christian” and “philosopher” cannot be linked. They regard the very use of the word “phil­ osopher” as an indication of modernistic tendencies. It is true that the word oc­ curs but once in the New Testa­ ment and then as a warning against materialistic and deceiv­ ing modes of thinking. A more l i t e r a l translation, however, makes it clear that philosophy is not necessarily dangerous. The warning is against “the philoso­ phy which is empty.” There is a Christian philosophy. The word is said to have originated in the humility of Pythagoras (600 B. C.), who declined the title of “wise one,” preferring to be called “lover of wisdom” (philosophos). It has come to be associated with sub-

Se v e n t y - S i x B y W illiam C ullen B ryant

do, it is to know how to enrich the soul— to occasion right thought, secure right feeling, bring about right action. How many Sunday-school teachers- sense the seriousness of their task? Our Master was a Teacher of souls, not merely intellects. He directed His appeal pri­ marily to the will; He saw that the soul is reached only when the will is moved to act. “Every one who heareth these sayings of mine, and, doeth them, shall be likened unto a wise man.” The great need of our Sun­ day schools is for teachers after this divine pattern—w h o s e teaching (the product of a Spirit-filled life, a knowledge of the Word of God and effi­ cient methods) will appeal to the wills -of our young people and move them to noble, Christ- like living. To the accomplishment of this the teachers of the Chris­ tian Education Course of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles h a v e devoted much thought, prayer and constructive effort.

What heroes from the woodland sprung, When, through the fresh awakened land, The thrilling cry of freedom rung, And to the work of warfare strung The yeoman’s iron hand!. Hills flung the cry to hills around, And ocean-mart replied to mart, And streams, whose springs were yet unfound, Pealed far away the startling sound Into the forest’s heart. Then marched the brave from rocky steep, From mountain river swift and cold; The borders of the stormy deep, The vales where gathered waters sleep, Sent up the.strong and bold,-fe'L As if the very earth again Grew quick with God’s creating breath, And, from the sods of grove and glen, Rose ranks of lion-hearted men To battle to the death. Already had the strife begun; Already blood on Concord’s plain Along the springing grass had run, And blood had flowed at Lexington, Like brooks of April rain. That death-stain on the vernal sward Hallowed to freedom all the shore; In fragments fell the yoke abhorred— The footsteps of a foreign lord Profaned the soil no more.


July 1928

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charity and purity? Not only is this the test of pure reli­ gion in God’s sight, but it is the criterion by which the world is judging the professed followers of Christ. It has been too often true that those who have had most to say in defense of the Christian creed, have not been conspicuous for their kindly interest in, and care for the needy and afflicted. They have been charged with coldness, selfishness, and bigotry. If men will not listen to our arguments, they cannot fail to listen if we show them that we have a religion which is a living force in humanity Which is ever working out in loving deeds in Christ’s name. That is religion, pure and undefiled. Every other kind is a caricature, no matter how explicit and Scriptural may

tie reasonings, and some of those who call themselves philosophers have little of the humility of Pythagoras, for they pose as intellectualists and scorn as brainless, all who do not agree with them. A Christian, surely, is a “lover of wisdom.” He has a philosophy according to Christ. He sees “the wisdom which cometh from above.” The love of wisdom cannot be dangerous to one who seeks to have the mind of the Master. It is dangerous only when natural reason pro­ ceeds without rule, working on false or incomplete data. Men have always tried to make over Christianity according to their own systems of thought. The natural man does not relish a system of thought according to Christ. When will men learn that it is impossible to dis­ cover the highest truths by ignoring God and His Word

be the creed.

God’s religion, if we expect the church to make progress. We cannot leave the widows and or­ phans to the care of lodges and public charities while we wran­ gle about doctrinal questions. It is time we stopped and took inventory. Christian being must unite w i t h Christian doing. There must be a greater em­ phasis by the pulpit upon purity and charity..: Love is the soul of Christianity and it is bound to manifest itself especially to­ ward. the afflicted. James tells us that a Christian most truly worships God when he does a kindness to another, and that an unspotted character is a per­

We must get back to

and by refusing Jesus Christ in whom are hid “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”? A stream cannot rise higher than its source, and to follow the world’s empty speculations is to end in despondency. Paul warns us of that philos­ ophy which is “after the tradi­ tion of men and after the rudi­ ments o f the world.” Let us have a . philosophy built upon Christ, the Solid Rock. It is rather amusing that Modernists have referred to those who base their philosophy upon divine revelation,, as “traditionalists.” Paul shows who the traditional­

petual act of worship. No true Christian will think to please God with pie­ tism, sentiment and emotion. His worship will be trans­ lated into practical service. Christian kindness and char­ acter will go farther than anything else to break doiwn sectarianism and win men to Christ. “ Shall He F ind th e Fa ith on th e Earth?” T HE Christian leaders of England are slowly awaken- . ing to the fact that the churches face a serious situa­ tion. “If,” says The British Weekly, a census were taken of church attendance, the figures would be so sen­ sational that in order to avoid discouragement and panic, it would be wiser not to print them. An even more dis­ quieting fact is that the small existing congregations are extremely elderly. Today there are 1,663,000 fewer scholars in the Sunday schools than in 1906. The Bishop of Worcester says that 'whereas his predecessors used to ordain 150 priests in a day, he in the course of eight years has only ordained 35. The fact is that the pulpit has lost its power and authority because it has lost its certainty. “In many of the countries of Europe, Protestantism is fighting for its life. Roman Catholicism is showing astounding gains. For instance, in Germany 88 Protestant institutions closed in 1923, while in the five years before that date the Roman Catholic Church opened 700 insti­ tutions. We stumble along with hasty expedients and desperate experiments,:-and dope ourselves with pious anesthetics.” This paper attributes these conditions to the cooling of ministers toward the Bible message. Reference is made to a well-known Presbyterian minister who has written a book in which he says of some of the Gospel stories that they “are simply Arabian Nights’ inventions.”

ists are, and Jesus also rebuked those of His day who “transgressed the commandment of God by their tradi­ tion” (Matt. 15:3). I sh S m “Pure Religion and Undefiled” “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this : To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world" ;(Jas: ,1:27) .*•*, I N the very early days of the church, there were evi­ dently those who professed the name of Christ but deemed a mere form of religion, with a knowledge of the new creed, sufficient. Against this tendency, James, the Lord’s brother, lifted up his voice like a trumpet. James believed that pure religion should be practical. If one’s religion does not produce charity and purity, it bears no resemblance to the life or teachings of Jesus Christ. If you would know what religion means in the sight of God, look at Jesus. He gave a great place to wor­ ship and spiritual culture, to be sure, but it was all kept in its proper relation. His days were spent in doing good. Pure religion is life for others, issuing from life sanctified by the Spirit of God. By the test of James’ words, where will some of our very orthodox folks find themselves? What are they ac­ tually DOING in society? Ho(w many orphans have they cared for? To how many poor widows have they min­ istered ? Does their religion ever get beyond the circle of personal interests—attending meetings, reading books and articles, saying prayers? Our modern ideas of what Constitutes religion are get­ ting sadly warped. We speak of one who is a regular attendant at church services as a deeply religious person. Yet according to our New Testament the test question to which religion must submit is—Does it work out into

July 1928


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My Labors For the King

“T h e m igh ty master, Michelangelo, W hile work ing w ith his chisel, o ft was known T o place above his head a candle prone T h a t every stroke should be w ith in its glow, T h a t he, across his a rt should never th row T h e shadow o f himself, b u t carve each stone In free accord w ith p romp tings from the throne T o his responsive genius here below. “So may T h y love above my forehead shine T h a t never shadow o f a weary mood, N o r dark reflections sorrow brings to m ind Shall mar the lives God wills me to refine. B u t ever may T h y rad ian t Sp irit brood O ’er all my daily toil for hum an k ind .”


Dr. Frederick E. Taylor, we believe rightly, says in his recent book, “The Evangelical Church,” “I believe that before any great revival will come to our churches, we who are in the church will have to seek purification from our own sins.” . ate Shall We Deal W ith Psychology? T HE modern college student is being steeped in psy­ chological teachings which are absolutely soulless. Everything is being explained to him from the standpoint of psychology; consequently our young people come home from college to ridicule the most sacred emotions and ideals, or to be utterly indifferent to all religious appeals. Behaviorism and Freud psychology attempt to explain everything in human nature upon a mechanistic basis. John Watson, of Johns Hopkins University, founder and leader of the school of Behaviorists, teaches his student's that “freedom of the will has been knocked into a cocked hat” and that “the soul, consciousness, God, and immor­ tality are merely mistakes of the older psychology.” SigJ mund Freud, father of Psychoanalysis, says that “religious ideas are illusions,” and that “science disintegrates reli­ gion,” which “neglects actual life for fictions.” According to Freud, religion is doomed. Glenn Frank, president.of the University of Wiscon­ sin, who recently has been in a clash with the Chicago Tribune, over the issue of radicalism in the university, writes.: “I talked the other day with a young man who felt that the theory of Behaviorism advanced in his course in psychology had swept away all his inherited notions of conduct; his contact with the theory of Behaviorism had left him with the notion that sensation hunting is the sum and substance of life and conduct.” Dr. Frank then proceeds with the advice to young stu­ dents not to embrace new theories until they have been subjected to the test of time and scientific experimentation. He adds:

In our own land, Dr. W. R. Patterson, of the Gen­ eral Council of the Presbyterian Church, has made a study of three denominations; the Northern Baptist, the Meth­ odist Episcopal and his own, taking the annual statistics issued by them, respectively, and he finds among the three a total of 11,394 congregations which have had no con­ verts in the preceding year. This amounts to 32 per cent of the total number of churches in these three denomina­ tions, we are told. Various explanations are offered, one of which is that,- amid all the talk of psychology, group consciousness, soci­ ologie responsibility and the évolution of character, a good many ministers have practically lost faith in conversion as a religious experience. Thé process of reducing religion to a science has been entirely too successful in some pulpits. The Dallas Morning News, makes a significant com­ ment: “The proportion of the people who have a han­ kering to attend a scientific clinic isn’t great. The heart of the multitude isn’t scientifically inclined. The lecture is a mighty poor substitute for a sermon. A case-hardened sinner that will permit his sins to be denounced from the pulpit and come back for more isn’t going to get much religious reaction out of discourses on literature, ethics, philosophy and the like.” The truth of the matter is that when the pulpit becomes a lecture platform, the congregation becomes a mere audi­ ence. If the lecturer is big enough and his subject sensa­ tional enough, he will get a crowd. But who will be saved from his sins ? Who will be led into the life of victory ? Who will be set on fire to save men from destruction? The sad thing is that none of these denominations seem to be tremendously alarmed ab.out it, ,;\yç do not see anything approaching the concern felt by an insurance agency that fails to get anything except renewal business. Church people appear not infrequently to be resigned to the situation. The most alarming feature of all is that even those who are considered the defenders of the Faith are putting in much of their time, energy and money, heckling one another.

July 1928


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“You make no gain when you merely substitute a green dogmatism for a ripe dogmatism ; there is little to choose between a tender young dogmatist and a tough old dog­ matist ; and there is no dogmatism as dangerous as the dogmatism of hastily acquired half-knowledge.” H. G. Wells, writing in The American Magazine, de­ clares that “the next and the 21st century will be the great fruiting and harvesting time of- psychological and physio- logical science. In the last 30 or 40 years psychology has laid out a whole new scheme of foundations. It has passed through a period of establishment, very much as the science of physics did in the 17th century, and the science of chemistry in the early 19th. It has given us a new and móst invigorating view of the human being from within, and there is bound to follow such a reconstruction of our methods of using our minds and of education, and of the direction of human associations, as will be compar­ able to the reconstruction of methods of transport or of metallurgy during the last hundred years, due to the appli­ cation of steam, steel, and electricity to these methods.” As the result of this new psychology, Mr. Wells be­ lieves there will come a revolution in human affairs alto­ gether more profound and intimate than that merely mate­ rial revolution of which our great-grandparents saw thè early beginnings, and amidst whose achievements we live. . Christian educators are being brought face to face with the problem. Many of them do not know how to deal with it. Some ministers have attempted to meet it from the pulpit and have been misunderstood by many of their members who are not yet awake to the peril. To use the word “psychology” in some churches is like raising a red flag before so many wild bulls. The minister who attempts ■ to set his young people right along these lines must expect more or less abuse; nevertheless we are challenged to a study of the subject and a warfare against this new and most subtle evil. Dr. J. Hudson Ballard of Occidental College, Los Angeles, sums the matter up well in a few words: “Be­ haviorism reduces all phenomena, life, intelligence, emo­ tions, and will, to mechanistic action and reaction. All thought and feeling are explained on the basis of nerves which react to stimuli. In this theory there is no room for God, no postulation of immortality, no moral respon­ sibility, no guilt, no sin and no need for a Saviour. The original psychology became mechanistic and lost its soul; it then became naturalistic and lost its mind, and it now has become behavioristic and lost its consciousness,” The all-important thing is to see to it that our young people have an experience of regeneration by the Holy Ghost, which no psychology can explain ; yet the fact remains that we must be informed to some extent upon these theories, and prepared, from the standpoint of Scrip­ ture, to give them battle. S tupendous M iracles of Last Days “The Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14). W HETHER one understands “the Gospel of the kingdom” as referring to a special proclamation of the Millennial Kingdom (as some take it), or as referring to a final witness to “the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God,” as Mark’s account designates it (Mk. 1:1), it is certain that the end of the age is to be preceded by a wide­ spread Christian witness to the nations.

In such a remarkable way are we seeing this carried out in the present day, that from month to month, as we have prepared our editorial matter, we have been im­ pressed with the thought that any issue of T h e K in g ’ s B u siness might be the last. Have we not abundant rea­ son to believe that the “witness” may any day be com­ pleted ? Consider the progress of missionary enterprises in the last 100 years. A little over 100 years ago no Bible society existed, and missionary societies, apart from the Jesuit and Moravian, were unknown. The progress of missions in the last fqw years is a miracle of the Holy Spirit that is nothing short of stupendous. For the first time since our Lord returned to heaven, the whole world at one time is being penetrated by the heralds of the cross. The highly perfected inventions of the last few years have given wings to the Gospel in a way hitherto un­ dreamed of. Think how the possibilities of printing were enlarged by Mergenthaler’s invention of the linotype machine! The output of a linotype operator equals that of!' four hand compositors, not only speeding up produc­ tion, but lessening the cost of literature. Another factor making for the progress of the Gospel is the type-printing machine—the printing telegraph in­ vented by Hughes. Bell’s telephone came into being only 52 years ago, and today a man on a continent may hold a telephone conversation with his friend on the high seas, or speak from one continent to another. Furthermore, visual telephony is making it possible for the parties talk­ ing to actually see each other. As we consider our rapid transit by land and sea, our radio communication, our aero­ plane transportation and a hundred other recent inventions that have brought distant continents, as it were, to our very doors, changing the customs of centuries- within a few months’ time, it makes .one think furiously. Palestine, after thirteen centuries of Moslem domina-

H ow C i v i l i z a t i o n

. . . F e l l T h r o u g h D R. W. C. PEARCE at one o f the prelimi­ nary banquets of the World’s Sunday School Convention told the following story which will perhaps be o f service to some of our readers : Two big bears decided that they would be­ come civilized. They had difficulty in deciding how they should attain this state. One hit upon a plan. “We will start a fight,” he said, “and then we will become civilized.” “But how shall we start the fight?” asked the other. Then came a bright idea: “I will get a nice big apple and place it upon a stump and then we will fight to see who gets it.” The apple was duly placed. Said the first bear: “There it is now. It’s mine. What are you going to do about it?” “Oh, well,” replied the other, “I ’ll just let you have it if you want it.” A nd so C iv ilization F ell T hrough .


July 1928

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tion, is open to the Jew and the Gospel. By an official edict of Turkey, her women are no longer veiled. Most astound­ ing of all—if recent newspaper reports are true—on April 11th the Turkish Parliament abolished, Mohammedanism as a state religion. Surely there is great significance in this undreamed of passing of Mohammedan control over Turkey without a battle. Did God order it—and for what purpose ? - D. M. Panton recently pointed out that the heathen and Mohammedan population of the world counts more' by 200.000. 000 than it did a hundred years ago, while the converts and their farnilies number less-than 3,000,000, a 70-fold increase ;of darkness over light. The annual in­ crease of Mohammedans exceeds the harvest of Christian converts* It has been stated that the conversion of Chris­ tians to Islam in recent years exceeded the conversions of Islam to ;Chr|||i|: By sheer increase of population, there are millions more heathen than when the first Protestant missions were, undertaken. But let us not lose: sight of our'commission. We have not set out to convert the world or catch up with the procession. A witness is to be borne to all nations—and then the end. It may be said that all nations have in past times had a witness—but the end has not come, showing that the final simultaneous witness has not been borne. God’s Church is a representative body. For whom is He waiting ? One-eighth of the human race confesses Mohamme­ dan, a colossal host of 200,000,000. This has long been considered an impossible problem to the Christian Church. This most baffling of non-Christian religions has been left to the last. The age-long disappointments in the attempt to evangelize these peoples, the dimensions of the task and the tremendous difficulties, have kept the church from undertaking this evangelization. Will Christ come until the witness is borne to them ? Mohammedanism is a political religion like Bolshevism. Christianity and Buddhism are primarily personal reli­ gions with doctrines of salvation. Mohammedanism is a social, unspiritual religion of might, concerned to win the empifie of the world at any cost. It has, therefore, stood as a Gibraltar against the progress of Christianity. What is happening ? “The things that are impossible with men are possible 'with God.” God has been taking authority from the hands of Mohammedanism in the Near East countries andjflumping it in the lap of Christendom. England has been made responsible for the economic de­ velopment and .social and moral uplift of 100,000,000 Mohammedans; France for 20,000,000 more; Russia for 16.000. 000 more- and now Turkey abolishes its state re­ ligion. Great Britain has been opening the highways for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christian missions in Meso­ potamia have liberties never enjoyed before and new sta­ tions are being opened in the interior. May God lay it as a great passion upon the Christian- churches to carry the witness to these peoples at once. The Bible is now printed in the Mohammedan lan­ guage and there is a growing Christian literature for Moslems, published in all the leading languages. What is needed now is a great>circle of prayer through the churches, organized to pray and toil and.weep until this great unbroken line of Islam breaks and the witness is duly borne. Who will pray for them in their utter need? They are a broken, restless, desperate, hungry people, sud­ denly robbed of power. There is no rest for them until Christ is found. God has opened the doors! Perhaps Christ Himself tarries until this witness is adequately given.

Caring for the Boy What can a boy do, or where can he stay, If he is always told to get out of the way? You must not stand here, you must not stand there, The cushions that cover that fine rocking chair Were made not to sit on, at least not by a hoy. And he has no business to ever be tired. The beautiful flowers? that bloom on the floor Of the darkened and delicate room Were made not to walk on, at least not by boys, The house is. no place anyway for their noise. There is a place for the boy, dear parent, I pray, As time settles down on Life’s earthly way. • If the getting of gain a whole lifetime em­ ploys 1 And we fail in providing a home for the boy. Don’t let us forget by our kind loving deeds, To show that we remember him in his pleasures and needs, Though our souls may be vexed with the problems of life Arid worn with troubles, sorrow and strife. Our hearts will keep warmer, your heart and mine, If we keep him in its innermost shrine, And to life’s latest hour, it will be one of great joy If we keep a small corner, a place for the boy.

July 1928

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“Don’t be discouraged about getting on the front page,” says one editor. “It took King Tut 3,200 years to get there, but he landed at last.” * * * A daily paper declares that the fine old custom of “asking the blessing” began to wane about the time can openers'- became universal. * * * Studies by insurance actuaries.iindicate that the potential value of a new-born baby is $9,000 and that a boy at the" age of J5 is worth in excels! °f $25,000 to society.. * n * An Exchange says that there were 75,000 illegitimate children born in the United States last year. That 40,000 of these mothers were under the age of 14. That the average age of the fallen girl is 16. * * * The insurance companies have discov- ered that in certain States the average cost of the funerals .of industrial workers insured with them ‘is about five hundred dollars. In the State, where the cost seems to be the lowest, the average is about two hundred dollars. * * * Rev. S. B. Rohold of the Mount Car­ mel Bible School, Haifa, Palestine, has undertaken a tnissionary journey to Mes­ opotamia, where there are 150,000 Jews in the great city of Bagdad alone, having no definite Jewish Christian mission. In Basra there are over 40,000 and large numbers in other town|^ Mr. Rohold and his helpers are taking hundreds of Testaments and tracts to be distributed ,among these Jews. Pray for this work. * * * It is difficult to realize that such small and common things as phosphorous matches were unknown before 1833, and that it was not until the end of the eigh- teenth century that illuminating gas was first developed by heating coal in closed vessels away from the air. Gas came into general use within the nex't twenty years and before the invention of matches. sfc || * The Church Missionary Review states that the “Gendarmerie of Palestine” (raised after the British occupation) has been disbanded. . . . The present state of Palestine is so peaceful that they are no longer needed. From the same source we learn that during last year (1925) “the Jewish population in Palestine increased by 31,660 persons.”

“$1,500,000,000 is owed on cars purchased by the American people in 1927. That is according to figures in the New York World. If this stupendous debt should be equally divided among the American people for. payment* figuring on a popula­ tion of 118,000,000, every man, woman, boy and girl in the United States would be under obligation to pay a little over $12.72. There are at present a total of 23,125,000 automobiles in usé in this coun­ try. That makes one automobile for about every five persons, w;hich means that there are more machines than there aré occupant-owned homes.” * * Hi According to daily papers modernism has finally won the Y. W. C. A. At the International Convention at Sacramento, a constitutional amendment, was passed discarding the old statement of aims which read: “To lead students to faith in God through Jesus Christ.” This is changed to read: “We unite in the desire to realise full and creative life through1 a growing knowledge of God.” The old statement: ‘‘To lead them into member­ ship and service in the Christian Church,” no longer appears. * * * Charles Stelze, in World’s Work, shows that piety in the United States is costing church members as much as a package of chewing gum a day. That is what the average member is giving to the church. Millions of church members do not con­ tribute a cent a day. Only one-half cent a day is sent to foreign mission fields. Congregational expenses have steadily in­ creased while missions and benevolences have greatly fallen off. ♦ * * It is said that in the Department of State at Washington, 61 per cent of the employees are Catholics. In our Treasury Department, in which the work of prohi­ bition enforcement is lodged, 70 per cent of the employees are Catholics. In the Service Department, 53 per cent of the civilians, and 70 per cent of the army em­ ployees are Catholics. In the Department of Justice, 73 per cent; in Insular Affairs, 89 per cent ; in Indian Affairs, 95 per cent; in the Education Bureau, 60 per cent ; on the Alaskan R. R., 100 per cent. Roman Catholics have but 18 per cent of our population. Is it not both suggestive and sinister that they hold 75 per cent of our offices? * * * Not members of any church, in United States—65,000,000. Young people over nine and under 25 who have no religious training—27,000,000. Think of it! A vast field of practical heathenism in our very midst.




T hey S ay ...

Charles Vincent Massey, Cana­ dian Minister to Washingtqn : “A highbrow is one whose learning has outstripped his intelligence." * * sje Los Angeles Times'. “We’re hopelessly old-fashion­ ed, but we’re glad we culled sffibur kisses before they, were flavored with cigarettes.” * * * Robert E. Speer: “Any man wh6 has a religion is bound to do one of two things ;Jwith it,' change . it or spread it. If it isn’t true, he must give it up. If it is true, he must give it away.” He Hs The Methodist Recorder, London: “I am afraid of the superfi­ ciality of my generation. The young people of today outside the churches^j’are simply out '¿8for pleasure. I would rather have the Puritan with his mighty sense of obligation and his keen sense of duty, than see young people gig­ gling out their best days.” H« H= H= Brooklyn Eagle : “Civilization has spread until the radio and the rifle can be heard almost anywhere in the world.” * * * Wall Street Journal: “What America needs more than railway extension and western irrigation and a low tariff, and a bigger wheat crop, and a merchant marine, and a new navy, is a revival of piety, the kind mother and father used to have, a piety that counted it good business to stop for family prayer be­ fore breakfast, right in the middle of harvest; that quit field work half an hour earlier Thursday night, so as to get the chores done and go to prayer meeting, that prayed fervently for the salvation of the rich man who looked with scorn on such unbusiness-like behavior.’*®

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