King's Business - 1928-07

W f CrfEK Through the Christian Education Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

1. In the Day School

A th ree y ears’ C hristian E ducation course leading to a special diplom a. ITS AIM. To fit young m en and wom en to becom e P a sto rs’ A ssistan ts, D irectors of R eligious Education, Y oung People’s W orkers an d M issionary T eachers. ITS CONTENT. Special C lasses in— R eligious Pedagogy P ractice T eaching T he E ducational T ask of the Church S tory Telling G raded S. S. M ethods Bible M annersan d C ustom s Child Psychology B lackboard W ork ^ Stew ardship and o th er im p o rtan t subjects. NOTE: Besides th ese special classes, th e stu d en ts in th is course a re required to ta k e th e b asic Bible subjects and allied studies. ITS CHARACTER. P ractical, Pedagogical a n d E vangelical; com bining the b est of th eo ry w ith actu al practice. II. In the Evening School T eacher T rain in g classes fo r Sunday School teachers. These units c arry cred it w ith th e Bible Institute,' also w ith th e Inter- national Council of R eligious E ducation. Schedule for 1928-1929 Sept. 21-Dec. 14 Jan . 4 -M ar. 15 Choice of th ree u n its The T eaching W ork of the C hurch 1. P rim ary D epartm ent A dm inistration M ar. 22-June 7 2. Ju n io r D epartm ent A dm inistration An elective u n it to be determ ined later. 3. Interm ediate D epartm ent A dm inistration A stu d y of th e g reat teaching principles b ased on th e pedagogy of Jesus. T eacher T raining C ourse - - - - - - U nit II— A STUDY OF TH E PU PIL A general course in child a n d adolescent psychology w ith special application to Sunday School w ork. NOTE: These u n its also c arry cred it w ith th e International Council of R eligious E ducation. IV. In the Summer School June 18-Ju ly 6, 1928— T hree courses of S tan d ard Leadership T raining C urriculum— Story Telling in R eligious E ducation; T eaching V alues of the New T estam en t; The Teaching W ork of th e C hurch. “ If we w ork upon m arble, it will perish. If we w ork upon brass, tim e will efface it. If w e re a r teinples they will crum ble to du st. B ut if we w ork upon m en’s im m ortal m in d s ...............we engrave on these tab lets som ething w hich no tim e can efface an d w hich will b rig h ten an d b rig h ten to all eternity.*’—-W ebster. In addition, an In stitu te for Daily V acation Bible School teach ers is offered six evenings in May. III. In the Correspondence School T eacher T raining C ourse - - - - - U nit I— JESUS AS A MASTER TEACHER

For f u l l in f o rm a t i o n add ress

Christian Education Department CIELE INSTITUTE CE LCT ANCELET 536 Sou th Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

En-route for Girl’s Leadership Camp

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