King's Business - 1928-07

July 1928

T h e - K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


The Dawn o f a N ew Day In China N otes F rom G eorge T. B. D avis , A l ex . R. S aunders , D r , F rank A. K eller

NEW day^eems to be dawning in China. Many signs indicate that it will be an era of unparal­ leled spiritual progress, “A year ago Bolshevism was sweeping over China like a prairie fire,” says |George T. B. Davis, of The Pocket Testament League. “Today both'civil and military leaders are doing their utmost to stamp it out. For months the prayers of God’s children in many lands have been focused upon China. The present war against Bolshevism

heard the Gospel message. It has been’laid upon the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. R. Saunders, of the China Inland Mission, that a great forward movement should be inaugurated to preach “the Gospel to every creature in China.” Mr. Saunders says.: “In apostolic' days was it not in a time of great affliction that the spread of the Gos­ pel went forward ? May not God’s time for a great Gospel forward movement in China have arrived ? It may yet- be possible for every creature in China to have at least one

by the military leaders,: constitutes one of the most remarkable answers to prayer in modern times. Now let. us pray that those in authority may realize that the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God are the only hope in China.” The seeming menace of fiery persecu­ tion has racked but not wrecked the church in China, Mh Davis believes,-; It seemingly has prepared the way for a great outpour- . ing of spiritual blessing. Many churches have grown even while passing through the furnace. Another indication of the new order of things lies in the desire of the Christians for ecclesiastical independence. This is the very goal for which the mis­ sionaries have been praying. One Mission­ ary Society is turning its churches over to the Chinese, while the -missionaries will do pioneer work in preaching the Gospel in unreached towns and villages! There is said to be widespread dissatis­ faction with intellectual sermons and, social service, and a turning back to the simple

opportunity to hear the good news before our Lord comes. Shall it be given them?” Already God is setting His seal upon their effort. A recent letter from Dr, Frank A. Keller, superintendent of our Biola work in Hunan, finds him back at the Bible In­ stitute in Changsha. He writes that he found some 200 Chinese soldiers encamped in the dormitories, but. they courteously moved out and ' the work of cleaning up after them is going- forward. Dr. Keller writes that he is amazed to find so little damage done to the Institute buildings. This surely is. an evidence of the Lord’s protecting care in answer to prayer. The Hunan Institute work will now go for­ ward. Students are taking places in the dormitories as fast as they are made avail­ able, and classes are being held each morn­ ing, afternoons being given to evangelistic work. The financial needs are large and we trust the matter may be laid heavily upon the hearts of our readers.


preaching of the cross as the only thing that will satisfy the soul. A group of Chinese pastors and evangelists have returned to Shanghai after a tour of several weeks in South China. They tell how both pastors and people are turning away from the husks of subterfuge, and are hun­ gry for the old Gospel. From North China come, similar tidings. Rev. T. Darlington, of the Milton Stewart Evan­ gelistic Fund, tells of three pastors, in one gathering that were about to give up their churches and go info secular work. But all three gained a new vision of Christ, and have gone back to preach the simple Gospel in the power of the Spirit. Mr. Davis sees another harbinger of the new day in the success' which is attending the nation-wide distribution of New Testaments in connection with the Million Testa­ ments- for China Campaign. In spite of civil war, lack of transportation facilities, anti-Christian propaganda, and the absence; of so many missionaries, the work of circulat­ ing Testaments has gone steadily forward. Over 600,000 have been sent to missionaries, pastors, and other workers for careful distribution. Many wonderful stories of the blessings received are pouring in to ..the Pocket. Testament. League. In spite of all missionary effort in China, probably 300,000,000 people in this land have never yet clearly

-Will not T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess readers pray earnestly (if possible setting apart a special period for intercession daily) for the missionaries, pastors and Chinese Chris­ tians, for the spread of the Word, and for a mighty spir­ itual awakening ? Who knows but that the completion of the Body of Christ may be awaiting the addition of souls from among these 300,000,000 unevangelized peoples of China ? The Bandits and Band No. 9 We reported last month the seising of the leader and six evangelists of our Band No. 9 in Hunan, China. The only further word received up to the time of going to press is that the men,, wearing only their inner garments, have been forced by the bandits to carry heavy loads for them. They were first robbed g f all their belongings and a demand for $30,000 ransom was made. They were so tightly bound that they became black in the face. The Chinese cook who was released to carry the ransom letter, reported that the men were, like Paul and Silas', praying' and''sing­ ing hymns.

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