King's Business - 1928-07

July 1928


T h e - K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

“I pray that the friends I have left behind will some day be sent by God to come to this place. As you may well know, when I go out I will do all I can to get some of my friends to come here that they may realize this peace and joy which only comes from God.” Messengers of th e K ing One of the forces that makes for soul-winning in the Evening School is a band of students who give each Sun­ day evening to conducting services in the different churches and missions of this vicinity. They call them­ selves “The Messengers of the King.” They are always booked several weeks ahead. In some weeks this year they have been forced to organize a second band in order to fill their many engagements. They use their own talent. There are a number of musicians among them and some splendid speakers are being developed. The churches seem glad to secure their services be­ cause of the spiritual atmosphère they bring. They sing, give personal testimony of salvation, preach, and do per­ sonal work. In many places God has honored their efforts with conversions and much blessing to all present. In one of the downtown churches last month the pastor rose at the close of the service and said, “I wish to give five reasons why I am glad these young people ffrbm the Evening School are here dônight.” After he had stated the reasons, he added, “And you have a standing invita­ tion to take an evening service in this church any time you can make it convenient.” Hosp ital V isita tion Work That Paid One of our Bible Women working in local hospitals, recently told of how one day a man was brought into the General Hospital quite ill. The worker called and talked to him about his salvation. - He accepted literature, but said he was not interested. He regained health and did light work. He was at last compelled to give up and go for a long rest in the mountains. Some time later the worker walked into the ward and found the same man had been brought back very ill. He said when he was strong enough he wanted, to enter another institution. He was taken but left word for the worker to call at this sanitarium. There was always some doctor or nurse present when the visitor called, which made things rather’ difficult. Later, our worker got a phone message from the insti­ tution saying that the man was dying, and asking that she would come at once.. She left immediately and had prayer and counsel with him. He definitely accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour. At his request that evening he was baptized. The next morning he was with the Lord. This is another instance o f'how God blesses faith­ fulness in seed sowing. “Let us not be -weary in well doing. In due time we shall reap if we faint not.” sfe? gfc» God’s Word to D ie Upon Said Joseph Cook: “I reverence hundreds and hun­ dreds of men who don’t hold my opinions ; but when I lie dying I don’t want their speculations to rest upon.” Keep Th is Under Your Hat “I t’s a great secret, my dear—a terribly well-guarded secret! And when I tell it to you, be sure and tell every­ body to tell everybody not to tell anybody.”— Life.

respondence will be carried on by. Mr. Pearson with many during the absence of the Fleet. Does God’s Word S till Work? “A little lady came down from Oregon about two months ago,” says one of our Bible women. “She was very ill. They located near my home and the husband came over to see me. He said he would like to have someone call on his sick wife. I hurried over. She was . in great need in a material and spiritual way.” The worker sat down with her and opened the Gospel of John. She was asked if she had ever accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. “I want to be saved,” she replied, “I tried to be. saved, I thought I was being saved, but have never been content. I was baptized, but my father was an infidel and in his rough Way said he was going ‘to shoot the whole works !’ ” In a simple way God’s .plan was shown to her. She said, “It is so simple. I have been trying to work my way for years., I accept Him this afternoon as my per­ sonal Saviour.” Being so ill and left alone in the home, it was decided to take the invalid to the General Hospital. Here she lingered for about three weeks. In her haste in leaving home she forgot her little „Gospel of John. One of our workers was asked to take it to her at the hospital. Three weeks passed and she was taken home to the Lord. When they sent her things home to Pomona the little red Gospel was taken. Her husband was deeply touched and he too found the Lord through this little Gospel. He attended the local Mission Sunday school and was seen grasping the little Gospel. A niece came down from Ütah to attend the funeral. At the funeral a real Gospel message was given for her special benefit. She was touched and converted, she having, been a very world­ ly girl. She opened up her heart and told the Bible woman how she had left home and had rejected a real Christian man who wanted to marry her, and now the Lord had been revealed to her. So she too took a copy of the little Gos­ pel. Thus had been brought about the salvation of three souls and the establishing of two Christian homes. - Is it worth while ? A College G irl’s Testim ony At one of our .recent monthly report meetings, the following testimony Was given by Miss Stucky, one of the day students :— “Just what the Bible Institute has meant in my life, words are unable to tell. When I was through high school I entered college and there all the wonderful Chris­ tian training I had received at home was exposed to the artful skepticism of those about me. I became confused. It all came so subtly, under the guise of a philosophical and more liberal scholarship. The supernatural had to be eliminated. I was' perplexed. I became filled with doubts because I could not make adjustment;!','in the conflict. I could not find harmony in the seeming discord. “Then, just as "God always knows about us, He knew about me. He knew this thing was a habit of my think­ ing. He called me so definitely. My life will never be the-same for His calling me to this place. When I came here I took a course of Christian Philospphy and Psychol­ ogy, In this course the deity of Jesus Christ was deeply impressed on me. I had never seen Him in that way be­ fore. Christ was presented as- the citadel of all Christian­ ity and as the final consummation of a Christian soul. I praise God for it. Jesus Christ was pictured in our lives as reigning supremely, as reigning predominantly and reigning unreservedly.

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