King's Business - 1928-07

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A Book Full of Spiritual Help

Says Dr. W. E. Blackstone: “I wish every M odernist in the country could have a copy o f this boo \ .” Says Mr. D. T. Bass: “ This is a compelling hoo\ and should have a wide circulation because o f its clarity and the truth so faithfully proclaimed .” Says Mr. R. D. Smith: “I rejoice in this unique testimony to our great Lord and Saviour .” W u c 1 / t e e G r e a t ! A M ? •““ [The Latest Book by Keith L. Brooks]“8*-

In order to speed up the circulation of this timely book, we are offering a copy A b s o lu te ly Free w ith every N ew sub' scription to T h e K in g ’s B u s in e s s . We have never made such an extraordinary offer, nor one which we believe will bring such delight to all new subscribers. THE KING’S BUSINESS ONE FULL YEAR AND THIS BOOK [$1.90 value] ONLY $1.25

The Author’s Expression: “I have for some years felt I could not consider my written testimony complete until I had put into print an exaltation of Christ as Lord and King, that would be somewhat out of the ordinary. I have never written anything into which I have put so much of earnest thought, nor anything that has brought so much blessing to my own soul. It is such a testimony as I should CUT0UT li\e to leave as my last effort if, in the providence of God, CUT0UT I should not be permitted to write more."— Keith L. Brooks

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