King's Business - 1928-07

July 1928


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

reminded' the apostles of the command previously given (ch. 4:17-21). To this Peter answers, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Here they stood alone, for the council was indignant to learn that their command was not to be obeyed. But the apostles were not alone, for “if God be for us, who can be against us?” Let us be sure our convictions are of God and then stand for them though it may cost our lives (1 Pet. 4:16). D aily R eadings F rom “T h e E ndeavor - er ’ s D aily C ompanion ” ^»1 Mon.—Aaron followed the crowd. Ex. 32:1-8. Tues.—JeSus followed conviction. John 18:28-40. Wed.—The Way of the crowd. Matt. 24:36-42. Thurs.—Elijah followed conviction. 1 Kgs. 18:17-39. Fri.—-When Peter failed'. Matt. 26:69- 75. Sat.—When Stephen triumphed. Acts 7 :54-60. ;—o—- C hoice N uggets “Follow me!” The publican “rose up.” This implies immediate action. It was now or never with him. So you must act with prompt obedience. He did the first thing Jesus bade him do. Are you will­ ing to do as much? If not, you are de­ ciding against Christ, and that means death.—T. D. Cuyler. True conviction of sin—Row difficult it is, when its appearances and modes of life are so fair, when it twines itself so cunningly about, or creeps so insidiously into, our amiable qualities, and sets off its internal disorders by so many outward charms and attractions.SHorace Bush- nell. Some wise man said once: “Most peo­ ple follow their conscience as a man fol­ lows a wheelbarrow, pushing it before him the way he wants it to go.” We each have our own daily tasks, our allotted duties, but these need not make machines of us. We have human hearts, and while we are busy with our duties, our sympathy and love may be flowing out to all with whom we come in contact. We can be kind, thoughtful, pleasant and bright, and should cultivate the cheerful spirit to win others not only to ourselves, but to our loving Saviour. If we have . not taken upon us consecration vows, let us do so now. It must be to us a definite act. Whitefield made it so when, in his ordination service, he said, “I call heaven and earth to witness that when the Bishop laid his hands upon me, I gave myself up to be a martyr for Him who hung upon the cross for me. I have thrown myself blindfolded and without reserve into His Almighty hands.” We must not be con­ tent with a general desire or a longing for it. It matters little when, where or how we do it, publicly or privately, by speech or writing; but it must be a definite act. The apostles were as burning coals scattered throughout the nations, blest in­ cendiaries of the world.:—Archbishop Leighton.


Man Created During Descent B y M orris M orris , M.S c .

family of the individual in whom its dis­ tinguishing qualities were created, though the rest were all inherited. “ ‘But Science cannot investigate acts of Creation!’ . And is not that the very reason why it has failed to investigate the origin of species? The possibilities of re- .search are not unlimited. At the very best, it can only analyze what is known into something still more unknown: it explains one mystery1by resolving it into another. But it cannot explain acts of Providence or Creation; and in attempt­ ing to do so, it has lost sight of its limi­ tations,” He points out that when the evolution­ ary version falls to the ground, the whole superstructure of speculation falls with Kg, like a castle in the air. This includes the modern theory of religion and also the higher critical conception which has been so popular in recent years. The' writer, as far as we can judge from this book, accepts the; Bible as the Word of God and the story of creation as correct. He differs from the ordinary evangelical scholar in finding in the story descent, but in this descent he finds God active in creation. It'is only fair to him MI SSIONARIES Save Money on Christmas Gifts TV/ilSSIONARIES: Now is the time to select your Christmas gifts from our catalogue at money-saving prices for shipment abroad. Safe de- livery to any part of the world. {"'HURCHES: Wewillforward orders forChrist' ^ mas donations and supplies to foreign missions, and save you money and worry. POREIGN FIELD SECRETARIES: Antici- 1 pate the Holiday needs of your Missionary As­ sociates. Communicate now with our Wholesale Department. Special discounts on purchases for your stations. & MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. § Missionary Bureau CHICAGO, II. S. A. u * * * wi w b lauiuuo iru rntg u m ciy W dlU ly catalogue upon request.

(Published by Marshall Brothers, Ltd.) Mr. Morris is a scholar recognized in 'the field of' science, having Master of Sci­ ence degree from one of the British Uni­ versities, and was a research scholar in Geology in the University,of Melbourne ■ for some time. He also is a careful stu­ dent of the Scriptures and presents in this work a theory of the creation of man that is different from the theory held' either by the evolutionists or that usually held by evangelical scholars. He believes that man as. such was cre­ ated by God at the beginning of the New Stone Age somewhere between five thou­ sand and seven thousand years ago and that there is no trace of him in any age preceding this one. It is a positive de- , nial of the ordinary evolutionary theory, which describes descent but as including transmutation of species. He claims there are absolutely no facts to show that evi­ dences found in ages preceding the New Stone_ Age show that a being having the qualities, mental, moral and' spiritual, which the Scriptures describe as the im­ age of God, had any part in them. These evidences appear in the New Stone Age and not before. This harmonizes with the time note required by the Scriptures: According to this position the differ­ entia of man was not brought into ex­ istence by evolution but was breathed into the father of : our species before birth. as the imagejis added to a coin. This, he earnestly contends, is not. evolu­ tion but its complete alternative* namely, creation during descent. Here are his own word's in his conclu­ sion : “ ‘So you are taking Evolution away from us?’ No; we are putting it back in its proper place, which is not to ac­ count for origins, but only for processes of development.. It explains, under God, the modifications of a species within itself, but not the transmutation of one species into another, though this is the very thing claimed for it in the evolu­ tionary version. Therefore, it must go; and the old-fashioned word' ‘Creation’ which the Nebuchadnezzars of our time have been keeping in exile for nearly three score years, must be brought back to take its place. _“ ‘But evolution is the method of crea­ tion?’ No; it is not all, b u t- merelyjithe modification of things created already. It is a continuous process which has been punctuated by discontinuous acts of creation, the last of which took place in the first man not more than five or seven dozen centuries ago, while he was being ‘formed’ in his mother’s womb. “ ‘Do you expect us to go back to the old doctrine of “Special Creation” ?’ On the contrary, _we accept the Doctrine of ' Descent; but instead of calling it Evolu­ tion, we give it its proper name—Creation during Descent; for every species is the

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