King's Business - 1928-07


July 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

that these facts should be noted whether we accept his interpretation of the facts or not. The book is exceedingly interesting and worthy of considering. As far as we are concerned, we cleave tenaciously to the belief that God created all things; that He created man and created him in His own image and that “in Him all things hold together.”.—J. M. M.

Simple Talks on the Holy Spirit B y D. H . D olman

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Dr. Dolman is a pastor of the Church of England, who was sent by his church as a missioner to the Jews of Germany. For this work he was given a deep ex­ perience of the Holy Spirit which made him a great soul-winner. In Bible con­ ferences on both sides of the water he has been a blessing to hundreds in his plain talks on the effect and work of the Spirit as a gift offered to every Christian. So elementary are the talks assembled in this book published by Revell, that they will be easily grasped by young Christians. At the same time they are profound and comprehensive enough for inspiring ma­ ture believers. The author speaks of the “baptism of the Holy Ghost” by which he apparently means “the filling.” We hold that in the/strict sense of Scripture the baptism took place once for all at Pente­ cost, when the miraculous signs were given to confirm the promise of the as­ cended Christ. Mr. Dolman, however, holds none of the extreme positions taken by Pentecostalists. His aim is to lead his readers into the life of victory and' joy in the Lord. Pastors who desire some sug­ gestive material for a series of sermons on the Holy Spirit, will find these chap­ ters refreshing. The price is $1.50. E. ■—o—• The Wonderful Name of Jesus B y D r . E. W. K enyon Published by West Coast Publishing Co., Los Angeles. Price $1.00. This little book is very interesting and along certain lines of interpretation that involve a belief that healing is in the atonement. Upon those who are Chris­ tian, that is, those who are risen from the dead through faith in Jesus Christ, dis­ ease' ;has no claim any more _than sin. “When these diseases and sicknesses come, all we need to do is to treat them exactly the same as we treat our old sins.” We do not believe this to be the teaching of the New Testament.—J. M. M. The Dark Mile B y R ev . JofiN A. H utton , D.D. Published by Geo. H. Doran Co. Price $2.00 net; This book is written in Dr. Hutton’s usual attractive style. It is robust and penetrating, piercing to the heart of moral and theological questions increasing im­ pression of the looseness, in the thinking of our day. He is always a stimulating writer and lines up in the right way on moral questions. He is not what might be termed a doctrinal writer, and many fundamentalists would question some of his statements from this point of view. But he is always helpful and is looked upon in Great Britain as one of the lead­ ers of evangelical thought.—J. M. M.

Making th e Bible Desired B y D orothy D ickinson B arbour

m city...... .................... ,............... .... State_____ ____________________ _ ■ C ommunion W ane of Q uality ) In Aluminum or Silver Plate ,BE$T;MÀTERIALS•LOWESTPRICES ^FINEST WORKMANSHIP Sendfo r Illu stra ted Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICJTCO. ROOM 356 1701-03 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.PA. You should answerwithout hes­ itation, these and many other Bible questions. Mail the cou­ pon. We will send you free big newBulletin telling howMoody Bible Institute Home Study Courses have helped 38,000men and women through directed systematic study of the Bible. Send now. No obligation. M O ODY B IB L E IN S T IT U T E CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Dept. 4233 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. BIBLETESI FREE Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School Dept. 420B 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Please send me Free, your Bible Test and Bulletin. No obligation. Name__......................... Street and No.—................

Doubleday, Doran and Company—$1.50. How may boys and girls be led to study the Bible, not because they are told they ought to, but because they want to? This is the vital question which Mrs. Barbour is attacking and helping to answer in her very stimulating book. The author is a teacher in China, and her illustrations and' experiences are largely drawn from that country; however, they show the working out of universal and fundamental prin­ ciples. The book is very stimulating and thought-producing, is thoroughly prac­ tical, employs the best of pedagogical and psychological principles without technical terminology, and should be very helpful to any earnest and progressive teacher. Mrs. Barbour first outlines her method, then shows instances in which it has worked. The bibliography, illustrative stories and classified and workable plans greatly enhance the value of the book. —F. M. C. —o*— Sound Speech B y R. D. J ohnston , M. A. This book is published' by John Ritchie, Ltd., London. It is intended for people who have, for some reason, been denied educational advantages. In a clear, sim­ ple way Mr. Johnson gives the foundation studies of our English language. Many people find themselves handi­ capped in teaching Sunday-school classes, speaking in prayer meetings, etc!, because they do not know how to properly express themselves. To all such we are sure this book will prove of great value. —O. G. B. —o— Pageants For the Year C ompiled by H enrietta H eron Standard Publishing Company—$1.50 Here are 22 different pageants, most of them short and simple and covering a variety of subjects largely religious- special days in the Church school, mis­ sions, prohibition, anti-cigarette, health, patriotism, Mother’s Day, etc. They are prepared primarily for use by religious organizations of young people, and are suited as a program feature in camps, conferences, clubs, missionary and young people’s meetings or even at certain church services where it is desired to pre­ sent a truth in a vivid and effective way. The themes are well selected and appear to be well carried out, with helpful and practical hints for the director. A strong evangelistic note runs through some of the pageants. A helpful book for a young people’s organization, to own.—F. M. C.

Double the Life of Linoleum s, R ugs and C arpets and PROTECT H ighly Polished Floors. L iteratu re sen t ön re ­ quest. O nw ard M an’f’g. Co. M enasha, W is.

RELIGIOUS POETRY Composed by an invalid who is a Fundamentalist Assorted packets of Religious Poetry 25 cents and 50 cents (postpaid). GLADYS TOLLEY 1832 Tecumseh St., - S. Vancouver, B.C., Canada FREE A copy of “The B affled R abbi,” th e g re a t­ est co u rt room w itness for ou r L ord Jesu s C h rist in m any y ears. SENT FREE to C hristians who a re in terested in Jew s. Christian Witness to Israel, Inc. 521 West 179th St. - - New York City

Three New Booklets B y B. H . S hadduck , P h .D.

"The Seven Thunders of Millennial Dawn.” As. the title implies, this booklet deals with the false teachings of. Russell- ism. The author clearly shows by com­ parisons of first and last editions of “Pas­ tor” Russell’s writings, the deceitful meth-

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