King's Business - 1928-07

July 1928


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

otis employed by his followers in the changing of words and dates contained in the original writings, so as to place an entirely different meaning on certain teachings once held by this false leader. “The Gee-Haw of the Modern Jehu" and “Alibi Lullaby By-By.” Two book­ lets, from the titles of which one is not informed as'to their contents. Both book­ lets, as do others with just such strange titles by thè same, author, deal with the subject of evolution.' In order to show the absurdity of such a theory the author employs the use of weird and strange car­ toons, which in the reviewer's, mind, de­ tract from, rather than add to, thè interest of the reading. Though both of these booklets reveal thé sincerity and'iibftho- doxy of the writer, we feel that had he taken up the subject more thoroughly in one volume, omitting the caricatures, he would have gone farther in revealing the fallacies of such teaching to those who are seriously looking for the light. Pub­ lished by The Homo Pub. Co., Rogers, Ohio, 20 cents per copÿ—A. S. P. ---Or— , The Panton Papers D. M. Panfon, editor of The Dawn, is a Bible scholar gifted with extraordinary insight, and his writings, especially on prophetic matters, have long been well received' among Bible students every­ where. Thomas M. Chalmers, of New York, felt that many of Dr. Panton’s re­ cent papers touching upon signs of the times should be brought together in book form. As Charles G. Trumbull says in the foreword : “Some details of his con­ clusions may not find agreement on the part of all true Christian readers. When they do not, they will thereby challenge the reader to further study, thought and prayer.” That, by the way, is a fine rule to observe in the reading of any book the author of which is known to be sound on the fundamentals. There are four classes of articles in this book. Nine papers are devoted to the general subject of man and the earth. The second section on Israel is richly instructive, containing seven studies. Seven papers are devoted to Gentile nations in the time of the end. In his paper on “The King of the South”', he reveals the titanic forces now prepar­ ing for the final world struggle. He identifies Nero with the antichrist, believ­ ing that Nero will rise from the abyss.' He sees the resurrection of the Roman empire in the present ppspringing of Italy under an autocrat who obeys no law but his own will. In the fourth section six papers are devoted to the church and the second advent. He sees the return of idolatry, and Romanism becoming wholly paganized. Babylon is to be revived just in time for the fires of judgment. The concluding papers give an awe-inspiring view of earth’s final assize before the great White Throne. Well-bound in red' leatherette; price $1.00, plus mailing cost 14c.—B. — o — Problems In th e Prayer Life B y J as . O. B uswell , D.D. There are so many good books on the subject of prayer that one scarcely knows which one to read first Someone has said : “Whenever I hear of a new book coming out, I read an old one.” How­ ever, there are many of the new ones that are well worth reading and we are sure

What will your money earn in 1940? ' I 'ODAY ’S income is important. Yes, but what about 1940 or 1950? W ill bonds be paying a lower rate or higher? What w ill conservative bonds yield then? What first mortgages w ill pay 6%— or less? Everyone know s that dividends and interest rates fluc­ tuate. Most people wou ld like to put at least a part o f their m oney where they w ill be assured o f a permanent return, even though it be smaller than .a temporary one m ight be. A nnu ity Bonds, however, g ive not on ly a permanent and unchanging income, they g ive a larger income as w ell; that is, larger than almost every non- speculative investm ent. The rate is determined when you take out the bond, And like the “Law o f the Medes and Persians” it never changes as long as you live. Wh ile it depends on on e ’s age, it is in all cases liberal; 6 . 5% if you are 60 years old; 8 . 5% if you are 75; 9% if you are 80 or over. Wh ile obtaining this steady and high incom e for your­ se lf you invest in a work whose object is to “girdle the globe w ith the G ospel.” A lthough the Scriptures have now been translated into more than 835 different tongues, it is estimated that there are over 500 languages and dialects in A frica alone in which there is not y e t a single verse o f Scripture printed.

I f you are interested in a steady income and in “girdling the globe with the Gospel,” we would like to send you our booklet “Bibles and Bonds.” American Bible Society Bible H ouse, A sto r Place, New Y ork C ity





AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Bible H ouse, A sto r Place, New Y ork City

G entlem en: Please send m e w ithout obligation on m y p a rt y o u r booklet No. 1-E, en titled “Bibles an d B onds.”

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