King's Business - 1928-07

July 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


The Everlasting Kingdom By R ev . H enry W. F rost

lished; as to men, they were to be judged and debased; but as to the Promised One, He was to be exalted and glorified. We are not to be surprised, therefore, when we see nations in death-throbs and hear their murderous cries and dying groans. What we are to do at such times -is, like Ezekiel, to lift up the head and fix the eye on the beyond. Out of the wreck and ruin of life will come order and peace. Out of the lust and hatred of men will come the love and benediction of God. Out of the midst of fallen kings and kingdompiwill come the King who will rule in righteousness ;and the Kingdom which will have no end. Our prayer, therefore, is to be “Amen; . Even so, come, Lord Jesus !’®s: I m I Some ONE, Not Some THING P EOPLE who tell us that Jesus was not the Son of God, was not pre-existent and not born of a virgin, have less disr crimination than the only 'infidel woman I ever met in my life,” said the late Dr. W. B. Hinson. “She came into my study one Sunday night in San Diego, and said, I want to say this word to you: You have something )I lack—what is it?’ ; “I said, ‘You have the wrong word, madam. Yofilishould not say “some­ thing” ; you should say “someone"’ i “ ‘Then who is it that makes the dif­ ference which I detected while-you were preaching, between you and me?’ “And I said, ‘His name is Jesus Christ.’ ‘Oh,’ she said, ‘I think I ought to tell you that I am an infidel.’ 1 I said, ‘Thank you for the information. Do you know anything about Christ?’ ’ “She said, ‘I do. I am a woman of cul­ ture. I know there was the historical Jesus. I know He lived. I know He died. He was the best man who ever lived.’ 41 said, ‘Madam, the Lord has delivered you into my hand, for good men do not lie, do they?’ “ ‘They do not.’ “ ‘And He was the best man who ever lived ?’ “ ‘Yes.’ - “ ‘Then He would not lie, would He ?’ Jl ‘No.’ “ ‘Then He said, “I and' my Father are one.” ’ “She had candor if she had nothing else, for she said, ‘My whole case is. gone; I see now your attitude; it is right.’ ”

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Of the increase of his government and peace there shall he no end, ' upon the throne of David —-Isaiah 9 :7. S INCE man fell God has ever had to contend with earthly insubordination and rebellion. He has ruled in the armies of heaven, but He has not been able per­ fectly to do what pleased Him among the children of men. His laws have been just and beneficial, and His reign has been equal and' benign. But the cry has con­ stantly gone up through the ages, “We will not have this One to reign over us.” So it is that every page of history, sa­ cred and profane, has upon it the picture of wrath, confusion, and desolation. The history of the world is one of tribal, na­ tional, and international war, and it is a sad fact that every throne on earth has been established in blood. And recently, when men were most matured, when life’s lessons should have .been most fully un­ derstood', when Christianity, in its influ­ ence and power, ought to haye been at the full, hatred, turmoil, suffering, and death reached their climax. But it will not always be thus. Earth’s travails will one day be Over, its groan- ings will one day ceasSp For God’s- King is to sit on David’s throne and He is to rule gloriously from, the river to the ends of the earth. The task of reigning will not be too great ah one for Him, and such;: will be the revelation of His wisdom and love that all men, everywhere, will bow and worship before Him. Then, for the first time on earth, there will be quiet and' peace. F o ra thousand long, golden years, the earth- will enjoy a deep and unbroken rest. What a vision this is. May God help us. to bring its fulfillment to pass! I will overturn, overturn, overturn i t : and it shall he no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it to him —Ezekiel 21:27. Thus Ezekiel, the seer, prophesied of coming days. Looking down through time ' to the end-time, he saw what the Master afterwards described, the distress of na­ tions which should be the beginning of sorrows. In spite of this, the prophet1was not hopeless. Sad as the prospect was, disap­ pointing as it was to his hope, heart­ breaking at it would prove to be, he saw that God was over all, that His hand was upon all, that His power was to be in and through all, and that all events were to work out for the. high and holy purpose of exalting the Messiah. It was thus that Ezekiel’s refrain was turned into song, and his dirge into a shout of victory. As to earthly kingdoms, they were to be destroyed; but as to the heavenly kingdom, it was to be estab­

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Rutherford, When Dying “I am in the happiest pass to which man ever came: Christ is mine, and I am H is; and there is nothing now between me and resurrection, except— Paradise."

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