King's Business - 1928-07

July 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


anything? Yes! Recovering in an instant his steadiness of mien, and with a dignity and joy never before seen in his face, he went forward to meet his bride. They looked’into each other’s eyes, and one would have thought that his eyes would never wander from her. “At last!” she said. “At last!” he echoed solemnly, bowing his head. That was a scene of great dramatic power, and no doubt of great joy, and is but a mere suggestion of what will actually take place in heaven when the Christian who has been walking through this world of trial and sorrow, shall see his Saviour “face to face.”

=BOOKS FOR VACATION READING= The Layman’s Handbook of Daniel Under Whose Wings By Zenobia Bird

If you ever feel discouraged, depressed, forsaken, this book will cheer and encourage you wonderfully. Cloth $1.75 God’s Best Secrets By Andrew Murray A wonderful book—one of thé beloved author’s best— and a never-failing source of help and comfort. Cloth $2.50 In Christ Jesus By Dr. A. T. Pierson This book opens up to the reader a storehouse of price­ less wealth and beauty con­ tained in Christ Jesus. Cloth $1.50 Cynthia Stands Fast By Florence Nye Whitwell A good story—and well told. Full of help and inspiration— especially to new converts. Paper 75c; Cloth $1.25 The Betrayal of Jean Whitney By Keith L. -Brooks Jean’s tragic experience was the_ result of too much mod­ ernism a n d “broad-minded­ ness.” A ^heart-gripping and intensely interesting story. Paper 50c; Keratol $1.00 In the Secret Place By W. B. Percival Contains an amazing amount of information about prayer •—facts that every believer will rejoice to read. Cloth $1.00 Jesus’ Habits of Prayer By S. D. Gordon The theme of this book is that there is no emergency, difficulty or temptation that will not yield to prayer. Paper 25c Fine Gold By Josephine H. Westervelt This missionary romance of South America will hold your undivided attention from be­ ginning to end. Cloth $1.50 The Bible and Spiritual Life By Dr. A. T. Pierson One of the best books this- gifted author has produced— will deepen the spiritual life of every earnest reader. 483 pages; Cloth $2.50 In the Twinkling of An Eye By Sydney Watson One of the most startling and convincing books on the subject of the Lord’s Second Coming you ever read. Cloth $1.75 The Mark of the Beast By Sydney Watson Fiction—yes—but a realis­ tic picture of the reign of the Antichrist—instructive as well as fascinating. Cloth $1.75 , Jesus, the Prophet, Priest, King By Dr. R. A. Torrey A wonderful series of ser­ mons preached by Dr. Torrey, and considered by many as his very best. Paper 50c; Cloth 75c

By Dr. G. A. Briegleb Will enable anyone to get a good understanding of the meaning and importance of the prophecies of Daniel. Paper 60c; Cloth $1.00 Mary Ellen’s Diary By Mrs. H. S. Lehman A wholesome, refreshing piece _of fiction, presented in an interesting and unique manner. Board 75c Passing of the Word By Helen Henshaw An unusually good story of the typical American college girl. A cheery, readable book for young and old. Cloth $1.75 Mysteries of the Kingdom By W. C. Stevens A winsome book containing a blessed revelation on the subject of the Lord’s Second Coming. Be sure to read it. Paper 50c; Cloth $1.00 Old Testament Types By Dr. Wm. B. Riley A clear, simple, interesting and instructive explanation of the principal Old Testament types. Paper 50c Scriptural Inspiration Vs. Scientific Imagination Inspiring messages in de­ fense of the Faith, by W. B. Riley, Frederic W. Farr, J. W. Lawrence, L. S. Chafer, Sidney T. Smith, R. A. Torrey, Robt. Dick Wilson, A. C. Dixon and L. W. Munhall. Paper 75c Peerless Poems of David the King The entire Book of Psalms written in beautiful verse form, yet retaining all of the : beauty and teaching of the original. Cloth $2.00 Scarlet and Purple By Sydney Watson A splendid book for young men and women. Full of ro­ mance, adventure and thrills. A fine salvation story. Cloth $1.75 Why I Am a Christian By Dr. A. C. Dixon A splendid, convincing book for the unsaved, and a helpful, inspiring book for the Chris- tian. Paper 50c The Revival at Broad Lane By Kate Drew One of the most interesting stories you ever read—both converted and unconverted will profit by its message. Cloth $2.25 The Patmos Vision By George W. Davis A splendid contribution to the literature pertaining to our Lord’s Second Coming and kindred themes. Paper $1.50; Cloth $2.25

J uly 16, 1928 Text : Eph. 3 :20

A college president found in sore need' of funds; he screwed up his courage and went to a benevolent millionaire and asked for ten thousand dollars;-:but his appeal did not interest the rich man. A little later he met the rich man’s .¿on and told him about it. “You made a mistake,” said the young man. “It wouldn’t interest him. He’s on the look-out for some such insti­ tution to'which he can give a quarter of a million in a lump.” Moderation is sometimes a mistake.

J uly 17, 1928 Text: Lk. 12:20

A man was telling his minister that his neighbor was “the biggest fool in the place,” because, ¿Although seriously’ ill, he refused to have a doctor. He. concluded by remarking, “I believe the man is mentally deranged.” “Well,” said the minister,»”! know a far greater fool in this town^-one who, although a hope­ less sinner, refuses to believe God’s verdict and apply God’s remedy. Supposing now ‘thou art that man’® The shaft went home, and the man, convicted of his sin and folly, was soon after saved by grace.

J uly 18, 1928 Text: 1 Jn. 2 :17

The wily old Hassan sat in his door, when three young men passed eagerly by. “Are you following any one, sons?” he said. “I follow after pleasure,” said’ the oldest. “And I after riches,” said the second. “Pleasure is to be found only with riches.” “And you, my little one?” he asked of the third. “I follow after duty,” he modestly said, and each went his way. The aged Hassan in his journey came upon three men. “My son,” he said to the eldest, “methinks thou wert the youth who was following after pleasure. Didst thou overtake her?” “No, father. Pleasure is but a phantom that flies as one approaches.” “And thou?” continued fhe Hassan, addressing the youngest. “As I walked with duty,” he replied,, “pleasure walked ever by my side.” “It is always thus,” replied the old man. “Pleasure pursued is not overtaken. Only her shadow is caught by him who pur­ sues. She herself goes hand in hand with duty, and’ they who make duty their companion have also the companionship of pleasure.” “Thou didst not follow the right way, my son.” “How didst thou fare?” he asked of the second. “Pleasure is not with riches,” he answered.

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