King's Business - 1928-07




Visas are Included

“o u r kind of p eople,” conservative, sincere, and w ith high C hristian ideals. T he cost of th e to u r has been reduced to an u n h e ard of figure. $650 pays all expenses for a trip last­ ing 72 to 89 days. T his figure even includes th e cost of visas, w hich usually cost a b o u t $50 on th e o rdi­ n a ry tour. The low price is possible because the Travel Institute is strictly non-commer­ cial. It was founded by a group of well- known laymen, headed by Hugh R. Monro, William Albert Harbison, Bernhard K. Schaefer, and it is not conducted for profit. Its sole purpose is to make possible the study of the Bible in the land that gave it birth. The King’s Business parties on the Travel Institute of Bible Research trips leave every few weeks. Your plans need not be changed. You may choose the time to suit your own convenience. You may sail from New York on June 15th, July 2nd, or September 20th. There are also two later trips, the dates for which will be announced later. These parties will spend Christmas eve in Bethlehem. But now is the time to send the coupon. Do not put it off another hour. ^ Do not say, “Such a trip is not for me.” These tours were made especially for you—to bring you happiness and offer an oppor­ tunity to come closer to Him than ever before. SEND THE COUPON We want you with us. Fill out the coupon and mail it. You will not be obli­ gated if you send the coupon, but you will receive a message that may mean more to you than any other experience in your Christian life. Send the coupon now.

K ing’s Business in connection w ith th e T ravel Institute of Bible R esearch has elim inated every im pedim ent. All travel cares a re elim inated. Guides a n d conductors a re alw ays w ith each p a rty on shore, so a trip half way OUR ITINERARY All Parties will Visit the Follow- ing Cities. The Order in which we Visit Them Varies. New York Anathoth Ponta Delgada Michmash (Azores) Shechem Lisbon Nazareth Palermo Tiberias Naples Bethsaida Athens Damascus Alexandria Baalbeck Cairo Beirut Lydda Constantinople Jerusalem Constanza Jericho Smyrna r» Hebron Algiers «i¡ ^ Emmaus New York Mizpah round the w orld is as easy as a jo u r­ ney to a neighboring city. You do n o t need to delay y o u r trip until som e friend o r relative can accom pany you. T he K ing’s Business p a rties a re com ­ panions w ho a re anxious to-know you an d have you as a friend. T hey a re

Invigorating ocean breezes— quiet, deep blue seas, rest and com fort in the sunlight of th e prom enade, deck sports, in teresting sights in foreign ports, w ith com petent guides show ing th e w ay. W here is th e m an, or w om an w ho w ould no t be rested and refreshed by this w onderful expe­ rience? A nd then th e H oly L and!! W here is th e C hristian m an o r w om an who w ould n o t be inspired and stre n g th ­ ened by th ree to four w eeks of travel and study in the land of O u r Saviour? W hile in th e H oly Land, Bible schol­ ars, archeologists, and historians will be y our guides, and you will be en ­ riched by th e m ost vivid and inspiring Bible study in th e w orld. You will see th e sacred L and from Jerusalem to th e Sea of Galilee and from Mt. C a r­ mel to the Jordan. E very day— every h o u r will give you a m ore intim ate know ledge of the people and custom s, and the H oly S criptures will be en ­ dowed w ith a new vividness a n d light. All this is w ithin y o u r reach and the reach of every o th er read er. T he

I King’s Business I 536 So. Hope Street, Dept. 2 Los Angeles, California

King's Business 536 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.

Please send me full particulars regarding The I King’s Business parties who are joining the Travel - Institute of Bible Research to Southern Europe I and North Africa and the Holy Land. ■ Name.


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