King's Business - 1970-05

can so affect the outward appear­ ance, and vice versa? P.S. I am the wife of a serviceman. A. I appreciate so much the fact that you took the time to write this letter and to share your experience with us, for one of the main objec­ tives of our radio broadcast and all of our literature is to share un­ derstandings about human beings. In this way, we get more insight into ourselves as well as into those with whom we live. Here, you tell us you have gained insight into your own problem. You evidently lived up to that picture you had of yourself and pushed back anything of a femi­ nine nature and just went ahead and tried to be masculine, since this is how you saw yourself as being. Then, finally, these insights showed you that you did have pos­ sibilities of becoming feminine, so you began to let yourself go and— you became a woman! Now these things which you have done, such as losing weight, fixing your hair becomingly, and chang­ ing to pretty clothes would not in themselves make you feminine, but they would help to make you look feminine in the eyes of others. The reason you were able to go through with these changes is that you had had a change on the inside. I am sure that not only you, yourself, but your serviceman hus­ band and all your friends are happy too, at the "new you.” And, yes! How a person feels on the inside does materially affect his or her appearance. Likewise, when we look our best, it does something to our inner self. You say you are a Christian and I am quite certain that your rela­ tionship with Christ has had a ma­ jor part in your being able to be­ come a happy person. For the person who is perpetual­ ly “ tired” there is nothing like tak­ ing your burdens to the Lord and finding rest in Him, for He has said, “ Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.” MAY, 1970

ere do th e y g o ^ Ä o O Most nnhlin Qrhnnl Hrnnniile f r o m ost public school dropouts 11 0 1 1 1 l l c l “ r pay a penalty for their free- dom from books and studies. “ No more Sunday School” can be costly, too. Many missing students drift into delinquency, ^ drugs, ar>djDQJMtt»lity. We share y^^concern. And, more impor- tant, w§M M B e something about itlH terew c o n tem p o ra ry Bible lesa§n magazines —Young Teen Scene fQEjJUftior Highs, Youth Illustrated for High Schoolers, and Living Today tor Adults help stop dropouts. They’re beautifully illustrated, keyecUp the tempo of TODAY, p I c H H ^ R f P ^ H R e a r c h God's Word ¿or answers to their daily problems. Prevent dropbuts! See these ne>^ Sunday School lelson materials. Send for the IWfifUl free bookl TEENiPulllT CHURCH. No obligation, of *u rse Wh


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