King's Business - 1970-05

JAMES B. FRANKLIN has been named Director of Development for the Baptist University of Corpus Christi, Texas. Mr. Franklin has been pastor of the First Baptist Church of Kingsville, Texas, for four years. MELVIN A. JONES has been named Executive Director of the Back to the Bible Broadcast of Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. Jones has been with the organiza­ tion since 1940. The organizational change will allow more time for the Gen­ eral Director, DR. THEODORE EPP, to spend in study, prayer, and the respon­ sibility of determining spiritual policies of the ministry. Missionary Aviation Fellowship, head­ quartered in Fullerton, Calif., has shipped a specially modified airplane to Rho­ desia. The plane will provide aerial am­ bulance service for a hospital operated by The Evangelical Alliance Mission. Detroit Bible College in Detroit, Michi­ gan, celebrated its 25th Anniversary in March. The event was highlighted by a special Anniversary Banquet which fea­ tured DR. HOWARD SUGDEN of South Baptist Church in Lansing, Michigan, as speaker. The World Relief Commission of the National Association of Evangelicals is sponsoring a project called "Operation Dorcas” which will provide food and clothing to needy individuals as a result of the Nigeria-Biafra conflicts. Quanti­ ties of cloth will be purchased from local textile mills and sewed into clothing in the style preferred by the people. Western Conservative Baptist Semi­ nary of Portland, Oregon has been grant­ ed full accreditation by the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools. The Seminary is in its 42nd year of operation, according to Presi­ dent EARL D. RADMACHER. MR. RICHARD A. ARMSTRONG, Direc­ tor of Pioneer Girls, has announced the appointment of JANE SORENSON as editor of TRAILS magazine for girls. Pioneer Girls is an interdenominational organization which serves 120,000 girls in 2300 churches throughout the United States and Canada. The Wycliffe Bible Translators has announced the move to Denver, Colo­ rado, of their tribal division for the United States, Canada, and Alaska. The office which coordinates translation work in 30 North American Indian tribes, previously had been located in Califor­ nia. DR. IRVINE DAVIS is Director of the North American tribal work. DR. ROBERT T. TAYLOR, Senior Gen­ eral Secretary of the American Bible Society since 1956, has retired after 29 years of service with the organization. According to President EDMUND F. WAGNER, no successor will be named at this time.

Far Eastern Gospel Crusade has an­ nounced th e appointment of REV. GEORGE LEODEN as Home Secretary, beginning August, 1970. Mr. Ledden will be responsible for directing the develop­ ment of the North American activities of FEGC. MR. and MRS. WILLIAM DILLON have resigned from the ministry of Sunshine Gospel Mission in Chicago, III., after 27 years of service. Mr. Dillon has accepted a ministry as a traveling Bible teacher for New Tribes Mission which is head­ quartered in Woodworth, Wisconsin.

CHA IRM EN OF DEPARTMENTS 1. BIBLE G. Coleman Luck— Student, Augus College; A.B., Austin College; Th.W Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminal graduate work, Wheaton College 2. THEOLOGY C. Fred Dickason, Jr.— B.S., Iowa Sta College; graduate, Moody Bible Ins tute; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theologic Seminary 3. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Harold E. Gamer— Graduate, Moo< Bible Institute; student, University Toronto; D.D., Wheaton College 4. EVANGELISM AND PASTORAL TRAINING Robert H. Belton— Graduate, Xenia Th ological Seminary; Th.B., B.D., Th.k Northern Baptist Seminary; D.D., Talb Seminary 5. MISSIONS David S. Gotaas— Student, North Pa College; B.S., Northwestern Universi B.D., Th.D., Northern Baptist Theolo ¡cal Seminary; served as a missionary South America 6. MISSIONARY TECHNICAL TRAININC Paul F. Robinson— Graduate, Genes Wesleyan Seminary; student, Louisia State University; graduate, Moody Bit Institute; F.A.A., certified pilot, coi mercial and flight instructor ratings 7. SACRED MUSIC Wilfred L. Burton— Student, Betha Biblical Seminary; B.S.M., Duke U versity; M. Music, American Consei atory of Music, pupil of Theodore H; rison and Thomas MacBurney 8. COMMUNICATIONS Donald G. Smith— A.B., Aurora Colleg M.A., Northwestern University; Th.l B.D., Th.M., Th.D., Northern Bapt Theological Seminary 9. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Morris E, Nelson— B.S., Wheaton C lege; M.A., Northwestern Universi physical education instructor, U.S. Na' graduate work, Wheaton College MOODY BIBLE INS T ITU TE 820 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, III. 60610 YES! I’m interested. Please send me information. Year in Name______________________________School___ Address_____________________________________ City________________ State__________Zip------------ Admissions Office Dept.

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